- Metalsmiths knew how to detect forgeries of precious metals by measuring their density, using Archimedes' method of submersion in water to measure volume. 当时的金属匠利用阿基米德把物体浸在水中测量体积的方法,知道如何检测假的贵金属物品。
- He confessed the letter a forgery. 他承认那封信是伪造的。
- He was sent to prison for forgery. 他因犯伪造罪被关进监狱。
- The technique might have other benefits, too."This could be useful in art history, for detecting forgeries," said Ericson. 当一种包含石英的岩石被切割或打磨成雕像或斧子时,岩石表面的石英回暴露在外,慢慢地,水扩散进石英,形成一个层面。
- The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth. 牙医检查了她的牙,未见有龋齿。
- I seemed to detect some anger in his voice. 我似乎在他的声音中听出一些怒气。
- Computerised image-processing systems should get better at detecting forgeries as they are trained to recognise further aspects of artists’ styles, says Dr Wang. 王博士表示:“通过进一步训练熟悉画家风格,数字化图像处理系统可以更准确地分辨伪作。”
- Radar is used to detect objects in the air or at sea. 雷达被用来探测空中或海上的目标。
- detect forgery 检测篡改
- I shall charge Gary with forgery and theft. 我要指控加里犯伪造罪和偷窃罪。
- The secretary was falsely convicted of forgery. 秘书被判伪造罪很冤枉。
- Detect and foster artistic talent. 发展并培养艺术才能
- The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery. 专家断言这张图是赝品。
- The signature is proved to be a forgery. 签字被证明是非法模仿的或伪造的。
- The dogs were trained to detect the presence of explosives. 那些狗是训练来查寻爆炸物的。
- He spent 5 years in prison for forgery . 他因伪造罪而坐了5年牢.
- The court convicted him of forgery. 法院判他伪造罪。
- He was sentenced to 3 years for forgery. 他因假造文件被判了三年徒刑。
- He confessed the letter (to be) a forgery. 他供认这封信是伪造的。
- I could detect no triumph in his eye. 我不能在他的眼里看出胜利的喜悦。