- This pattern is like the one of dermatoglyph. 浅淋巴管网的构型与皮肤纹理的构型具有相似性。
- Another discipline that is very likely to become obsolete is dermatoglyphics. 再来可能就是皮指纹的检测被淘汰的风险也很高。
- The informed consent must be the program and formalities in dermatoglyphics research. 知情同意是肤纹学研究中必须要存在的程序和手续。
- The principled of medical ethical and genetics ethical universally suit the dermatoglyphics research. 医学伦理学和遗传伦理学的原则同样适合肤纹学的研究。
- Dermatoglyphics of examine , analysis and preserved with ethical put forward a proposal. 对于肤纹学研究的检查、分析和保存所涉及的伦理学问题提出了意见。
- Objective To report hand dermatoglyphics parameters of the Kejia people in Taiwan of China. 摘要 目的 研究台湾客家汉族手肤纹参数。
- Objective: This study was aimed to explore the genetic rule for dermatoglyphics of human fingertips. 目的探讨指端皮纹遗传的规律性。
- Objective: To obtain the basic parameters of density of dermatoglyph about Tibetan nationality. 目的:获得藏族皮纹密度的基本参数。
- Results: The density of dermatoglyph of Tibetan adolescents descended with age increasing, arid differed in sex. 结果:藏族青少年的皮纹密度随年龄的增加而降低,并有性别差异。
- Selection of the finest leather, dermatoglyphics clear,soft and smooth, simple fashion design, a new manifestation of modern life style of leisure. 选用上等牛皮,皮纹清晰,柔软光滑,设计简约时尚,体现现代生活休闲新风范。
- Conclusion: Every species had their own characteristic dermatoglyph with a certain difference to others, which can be used in classification. 结论:各种种属都具有自己特征性的肤纹,并有一定的差异性,可以此进行分类,具有一定的分类价值。
- Six parameters chosen from the dermatoglyph of the 257 schizophrenic patients, diagnosed by Huimin Mental Hospital were statistically analysed. 对惠民地区精神病院确诊为精神分裂症257例病人的皮纹,选六个指标进行了统计分析,与郭汉璧的成人正常值对照,有其显著性差异。
- Editor’s summary: Dermatoglyph is an essential human physical character that could be identified and classified scientifically. 编辑提要: 肤纹是可以被直接观察并进行科学地分类描述与鉴别的重要人类体质性状。
- This paper reports the normal values of dermatoglyphics parameters of seven mino rity nationalities in Yunnan Province which are bai,Blang,Yi,Hui,Lisu,Nu and Jin uo. 摘要 本文报告了云南省白族、布朗族、彝族、回族、僳僳族、怒族、基诺族共七个少数民族的肤 纹参数。
- Conclusion: The density of dermatoglyph of Tibetan adolescents vanes significantly during puberty and is denser than Han nationality's. 结论:藏族青少年的皮纹密度在青春发育过程中变化较大,其皮纹密度大于同年龄组汉族。
- Abstract: Dermatoglyph can reflect the prolific hereditary information, such as the body function, physical fitness, and intelligence. 文章摘要: 皮纹反映了人的身体机能、素质、智力等丰富的遗传信息。
- According to dermatoglyphics image s characteristics and new techniques of computer, this paper present a design of dermatoglyphics image database system. 本文根据皮纹图像的特点,再结合计算机发展的最新技术介绍了皮纹图像数据库系统的设计。
- Business: The mold texture, pattern repairing, cleaning and maintenance, gloss adjustment, dermatoglyph, design machining. 经营内容:新模咬花,花纹修补,清洁保养,光泽度调整,皮纹,图案加工.
- What is called the "Finger dermatoglyphics in children" In traditonal Chinese medicine it means actually the cutaneous vein of the radial aspect of index finger. 小儿指纹系指小儿食指桡侧所显露的脉络,也即皮下浅表静脉。由于小儿腕短、寸关尺三部不分,且脉息难凭,古时就有人用察指纹之法以补切脉之不足。
- As an effectual ,netbod of the heredity identification of sports talent, the dermatoglyph identification of sport talents has been drawn on by the public. 皮纹选材作为遗传选材行之有效的方法引起人们的广泛关注。