- She is a sufferer of depressive disorder. 她患了抑郁症。
- AIM: To assess the effect of fluoxetine in treatment of depressive disorder. 目的:评价国产氟西汀治疗抑郁障碍的疗效和副作用。
- The most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. 最常见的是重度抑郁症和心境恶劣障碍。
- Major depressive disorder( MDD) is also known as a mood disorder, or affective disorder. 主要抑郁紊乱又称为心情紊乱,情感失调。
- AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of domestic fluoxetine in treating depressive disorder. 目的:评价国产氟西汀的抗抑郁作用及安全性。
- AIM: To assess the relationship between serum concentrationand clinical effects in elderly patients with depressive disorder treated by maprotiline. 目的:分析老年抑郁症患者采用麦普替林治疗后其血药浓度与临床效应的关系。
- A depressive disorder is a syndrome that reflects a sad mood exceeding normal sadness or grief. 抑郁症是一种综合病症,其反映出的悲伤情绪超出了正常的悲伤和痛苦。
- It is difficult to manage terminal cancer patients with major depressive disorder in hospice palliative care. 摘要在安宁缓和照顾中,处理癌症末期并忧郁症病人是困难的。
- There are several forms of depressive disorders. The most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. 抑郁症有多种类型。其中最常见的主要是大抑郁性障碍和精神性抑郁障碍。
- Major depressive disorder( MDD) is also known as a mood disorder, or affective disorder . 主要抑郁紊乱又称为心情紊乱,情感失调。
- Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the limited enzyme in the synthesis process of NE, has much to do with depressive disorder. 酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)作为NE合成的限速酶,与抑郁症密切相关。
- Objective To observe the therapeutical effect of Fluoxetine on elderly coronary heart disease with depressive disorder. 目的明确氟西汀对伴有抑郁症的老年冠心病病人的治疗作用。
- Levels of monocyte reactive oxygen species are remarkably correlative with decreased natural killer cell activity in patient with depressive disorder. 单核细胞的反应性氧作用系统细胞内水平与抑郁性紊乱患者的神经激肽细胞活性降低存在明显的相关性。
- Of them, 32 cases were found with a medical ailment, 20 with residual or recurrence of pathological changes, and 5 depressive disorder. 63例中,伴有内科疾病38例,鼻腔鼻窦病变残留或复发29例,伴有抑郁症5例。
- This study was to explore further whether the infection of Borna disease virus (BDV) is associated with the pathogenesis of depressive disorder (DD). 但有关BDV感染与抑郁症(depressive disorder,DD)发病之间的关系,目前国内外研究尚有争议。 本研究从分子生物学角度进一步探讨BDV与DD发病之间的关系。
- Conclusions Fluoxetine has apparent adjunctive therapy effect on coronary heart disease with depressive disorder in elderly patients. 结论氟西汀对合并抑郁症的冠心病患者有明确的辅助治疗作用。
- Method:it was analyzed and sum up the treatment of depressive disorder by documents ordered method from Chinese medicine and medicine. 方法:采用文献整理的方法,从中医学与现代医学角度对抑郁症治疗进行分析、归纳。
- Naturally, the people with both high stress and strong genetic predispositions are the most likely to have a depressive disorder. 自然地,那些高压力、高(遗传)基因易感性的人患抑郁症的可能性最大。
- Conclusion:it should strengthen depressive disorder theory study and establish rationale to treat depressive disorder with Chinese medic... 结论:应进一步加强抑郁症的理论研究,从而为中西药治疗抑郁症奠定理论基础。
- Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Doxepin taken at a draught at night plus Zishui Qinggan Decoction on depressive disorder. 目的:观察夜间顿服多虑平合滋水清肝饮治疗抑郁症的临床疗效。