- Academy of Cataract and Laser Surgery, P.C. 白内障和激光外科学会。
- She shivered with her depression of mind and body. 她身体疲乏,精神沮丧,浑身在颤抖。
- The main cause of cataract is blindness, keratopathy, and glaucoma. 致盲病因主要为白内障、角膜病和青光眼等。
- depression of cataract [医] 内障摘出术, 针拔术
- He confessed to a strange depression of his spirits. 他承认自己情绪异常消沉。
- The depression of the constellation fell below the horizon. 星座的俯角降到了地平线以下。
- The depression of the economy prompted the government intervention. 低迷的经济促使政府进行了干预。
- How to improve the quantity and visual quality of cataract surgery in China? 如何进一步提高我国白内障手术的数量与质量?
- As mentioned, during the early stage of cataract, your vision is not affected. 早期白内障是不会对视力构成太大的影响,故并不需要在这时期动手术。
- The mountain is encircled by the doughnut-shaped depression of the caldera. 山为环形的破火山口洼地环抱着。
- Thus , risk evaluation of cataract induced by UVR is an urgent need. 因此,亟待开展紫外线与白内障的危险性评价。
- Objective To observe the surgical effect of cataract with small pupil. 目的探讨粘连性小瞳孔下白内障的手术方法。
- But the Great Depression of 1929-1940 was the impetus for great union growth. 可是1929和1940年之间的大萧条成了促使工会发展的动力。
- To study the depression of occipital arachnoid granulation by normal CT scans. 通过正常颅脑ct扫描图像,对枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹进行研究。
- Depression of the pour point of diesel oil and improve its fluidity in subzero. 降低各种柴油的冷凝点和冷滤点,提高其低温流动性。
- The Great Depression of economy reduced many people down to beggars. 经济大萧条不少人沦为乞丐。
- The incidence of cataract in this family was 64 56% without significant difference among every generation. 发病率 64 56%25 ,各代之间无明显差异。
- Depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or courage; dejection. 失望,泄气因失去希望、信心或勇气而精神低落;沮丧
- Visual impairment that cannot be corrected by spectacles-it may be symptom of Cataract. 视力衰退不能通过眼镜而纠正可能是白内障。
- The recession is serious but noting like the Great Depression of the 30s. 现今经济衰退很严重,但远不及30年代的经济大萧条。