- denote money for school 捐资办学
- The foundation provides money for schools. 基金会资助学校。
- He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books. 他把一些钱交给儿子去买学校用的课本。
- He should pay money for us just to be. 他该付钱给我们才是。
- We are collecting money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
- He has often been late for school of late. 他近来经常迟到。
- There is less money for school buildings, books and supplies, these schools are often staffed with less experienced teachers or older burnt-out teachers just waiting to retire. 学校的教学楼、书籍和一切设施都缺钱,学校的师资往往是缺少经验的老师或是上了年纪体力不支只等着退休的老师。
- Can you scrape up enough money for a holiday? 你能凑够了钱去度假吗?
- She soon got the children ready for school. 她很快帮孩子做好上学的准备。
- We can ill afford the time or money for a holiday. 我们简直连度假的时间或金钱都没有。
- He was late for school three times in succession. 他连续三次上学迟到。
- Money for the project is still lacking. 进行这个项目的钱还没有著落。
- Plain clothes are appropriate for school wear. 朴素的衣服适合于上学时穿着。
- Tom is habitually late for school. 汤姆上学经常迟到。
- She didn't have enough money for the bus fare. 她的钱不够付车费。
- I have neither time nor money for pop festivals. 我既没时间也没钱来参加流行音乐节。
- We needed additional money for our trip. 我们出去旅行需要更多的钱。
- I have to lay by a little money for emergencies. 我得存一点钱应急。
- I paid out a lot of money for that car. 为了那辆汽车我花了不少钱。