- Susan unburdened herself of her terrible secret. 苏珊把藏在内心的可怕秘密全盘托出,解除了心理上的负担。
- She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods. 她把那些没人认领的货物占为己有
- She finally quit herself of fear. 她终於消除了恐惧。
- She stinted herself of food in order to let the children have enough. 她自己省着吃,好让孩子们吃饱。
- She divested herself of her coat and sat down. 她脱去外套并坐下来。
- She managed to divest herself of responsibility. 她企图推卸自己的责任。
- She bethought herself of a plan. 她想出了一个计划。
- She bethought herself of family obligations. 她牢记自己对家庭的责任。
- She acquitted herself of suspicion. 她消除了别人对自己的怀疑。
- She debarrassed herself of her overcoat. 她脱掉大衣。
- She disembosomed herself of a secret to him. 她向他吐露心中的秘密。
- deliver herself of vt. 发表
- She tried to free herself of the thought. 她试着拂去那种想法。
- She unburdened herself of her secret to me. 她向我倾诉了内心的秘密。
- Buffy has managed to free herself of the chains. 巴菲设法摆脱了枷锁。
- She divested herself of her outdoor clothes. 她脱去了户外活动的衣服。
- At length she bethought herself of writing, and inscribed her name-it was a short one-with her hoof on the sand. 最后她终于想到了写字,用一只蹄子把她的名字--很短的一个名字--划在沙地上。
- She had rid herself of every remnant of that tonic wildness. 在她身上,那种健康的野性已荡然无存。
- She rid herself of bad habits, like smoking cigarettes. 她该掉了诸如抽烟之类的恶习。
- She lives in the past now, bethinking herself of happier days. 她现在整天回想过去,缅怀着往昔更美好的岁月。