- delicate and gentle style 婉媚
- She is delicate and pretty in person. 她长得娇柔美丽。
- Of a kind and gentle disposition. 善良的性情善良与温和的
- The delicate and tasteful workmanship. 那就是做工精细,美观大方。
- The spring breeze is warm and gentle. 春风和煦。
- Hot, delicate and sexy to every detail. 她的每一个细节都浓烈、致而性感。
- Civil, courteous, and gentle in speech. 有礼貌的,温文儒雅的讲话有礼貌的、谦恭的、文雅的
- How delicate and bright the hair is ! 多么柔软光亮的皮毛啊!
- Rosa likes music that is quiet and gentle. 罗莎喜欢安静柔和的音乐。
- Elegant and distingue! Delicate and charming! 它,雍容华贵,娇艳动人。
- Her mother is a delicate and gentile dark woman. 她母亲肤色浅黑,是位谈吐优雅的基督徒。
- Rosa likes music that's quiet and gentle. 罗萨喜欢柔和、文雅的音乐。
- The natives were kind and gentle. 当地的人很和善,也很斯文。
- Its harmony is grave and gentle, sad tender. 它的和声显得既严峻又柔和,既忧伤又委婉。
- And humble and gentle in victory. 在胜利中,仍能保持谦逊温和。
- Warm winds blow and gentle rains fall. 和风送爽,小雨缤纷。
- I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. 我更喜欢演唱轻柔音乐的组合。
- Jane may look delicate and lady-like, but give her a big pie and she can really pack it away. 简看起来很秀气,可是给她一个大馅饼,她真的能吃掉。
- He is kind and gentle to the weak. 他对弱者总是友好和善。
- The quality or condition of being kind and gentle. 慈祥,亲切善良和温和的品质或条件