- "It may be a deliberate provocation, or just a case of thoughtlessness.It is hard to say," Kalwarczyk said. 天主教组织表示,虽然麦当娜的演唱会可能会如期举行,但人们肯定会走出来表示不满和抗议。
- The same officials also insist that the German lecture was not a deliberate provocation. 这些官员也强调德国的那次讲演并非一次有预谋的挑衅。
- Her words carried the ring of deliberate provocation, challenging the Islamists to put a fatwa on her and raise a sword to behead her. 她的言词中带有蓄意的挑衅,挑逗着伊斯兰教徒对她进行裁决并亲自剑刃其首。
- A "properly resettled, not deliberate provocation, to cause trouble, and will not participate in joint petitions and complaints. 做好“妥善安置工作,不无理取闹、寻衅滋事,不参与集体上访和联名告状”。
- He doesn't really mean that-he's just being deliberately provocative. 他不是真有此意,只不过是存心挑逗一下罢了。
- He entered the room with deliberate steps. 他从容不迫地走进室内。
- He flares up at the slightest provocation. 稍一激他,他就大发脾气。
- They did not react to this provocation. 他们对这一挑衅未作反应。
- deliberate provocation 故意挑衅
- Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. 慢慢酌量,快快行动。
- His manner was quiet, his speech deliberate. 他举止文静,说话审慎。
- A provocation to action; a stimulus. 激励,刺激某种行动的刺激; 激励
- We had no time to deliberate (on the problem). 我们没有时间仔细思考(这个问题).
- She would light into anyone with the slightest provocation. 谁稍微惹恼了她,她就会把谁大骂一顿。
- A deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture. 肢体语言一个从容的、有力的动作或手势
- I am sure he would never strike a person, except under provocation. 我确信他不会打人,除非是受到挑衅。
- Dear, forgive me if I sometimes deliberately provocative, forgive me willfulness. 亲爱的,原谅我有时的无理取闹,原谅我的任性。
- It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident. 那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。
- Marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression. 晦涩的以有意使风格或表达上含糊不清为特点的
- They attacked our border guards without the slightest provocation. 在事先未发生任何挑衅的情况下,他们便袭击我们的边防哨兵。