- Deferred credits are not obligations but are simply credit ‘left-overs’ and it would be much better if they were shown as a separate and distinct class of items on the balance sheet. 递延贷项本身并不是一项债务,而只是一种贷方余额,如果在资产负债表上将它们单独列示的话,情况就会好些。
- The separation of financial obligations from deferred credits would allow statement users to obtain a much clearer picture of the financial position of the entity. 将递延贷项与财务性债务区分开来,会使财务报表的读者对报告实体的财务状况获得更清楚的了解。
- A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。
- I defer to your greater experience in such things. 在这些问题上,我尊重你丰富的经验。
- Any users of credit may overextend themselves. 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。
- On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上,我遵从专家的意见。
- Such a book does credit to the writer. 这样的书给作者带来声誉。
- You could defer the matter to your colleague. 你可把这件事委托给同事去办。
- Let's defer the decision for a few weeks. 我们推迟几个星期再作决定吧。
- This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers. 这名优秀生为老师增了光。
- I shall defer replying till I hear from home. 我将等接到家信以后再给你答复。
- She was given the credit for what I had done. 事情是我做的,她却受到称赞。
- Mary's painting would do credit to a real artist. 玛丽的画给一个真正的艺术家增添了荣誉。
- The president was in high credit with the students. 这位校长在学生中享有很高的声。
- Deferred benefits; a deferred payment. 迟到的恩惠; 延期的付款
- Shipment is ready, expedite credit. 船已装完,请速开信用证。
- It is usual for us to sell on credit. 我们通常赊销货物。
- No credit is given at this shop. 这家商店概不赊欠。
- Have it charged to my credit card. 把它记在我的信用卡的帐号里。
- Is the credit at sight or after sight? 信用证是即期的还是远期的?