- In China, most of loan guarantors are of default risk. 在中国,绝大多数的贷款担保人有违约风险。
- They do not default risk for loss of position unwinding without stopping. 他们不预设风险,为亏损头寸补仓,不设止损。
- The default risk in a broadly-based municipals bond fund is negligible. 投资广泛的市政债券基金的违约风险基本可以忽略不计。
- More generally, a reduction in yields should boost financial confidence by dispelling fears that the jumbo spreads reflect only jumbo default risks. 理想的状态是,央行坚定的购买将能恢复市场的正常交易,从而缩小缺乏流动性而造成的那部分差价。
- It is important for investors to research a bond just as they would a stock or mutual fund. The bond rating will help in deciphering the default risk. 象研究股票和共同基金样研究债券对投资者来说是必要的;辨别债券等级将有助于识别违约风险.
- One type of risk is default risk, that is, the risk that the borrower will simply not repay the loan, due to either dishonesty or plain inability to do so. 一种类型的风险是违约风险,即惜款者仅仅由于不诚实或完全没有还款能力而无法偿还贷款所带来的风险。
- McQuown J.A Comment On Market vs.Accounting Based Measures of Default Risk[M].Mimeo:KMV Corporation,1993. 杨星;张义强.;中国上市公司信用风险管理实证[J]
- Yet, inexplicably, they do not contain the information about individual loans that is needed to detect default risk. 然而,让人无法理解的是,它们没有包括查明违约风险的个人贷款的信息。
- Braddock Hickman, shows that junk debt outperforms high quality only in rare situations, because of the default risk. BRADDORKHICKMAN的研究显示,垃圾债券面临违规危险,比高质量债券取得更好的回报的几率是微乎其微的。
- Braddock Hickman,shows that junk debt outperforms high quality only in rare situations,because of the default risk. 因为它们的初始风险。
- Margin mechanism by which parties to the transaction default risk dropped to ensure fair trade, while financial institutions account for much lower. 保证金机制使交易双方违约风险下降,确保交易公平,同时使金融机构资金占大大降低。
- Junk Bond A bond purchased for speculative purposes. They are usually rated BB or lower, and they have a higher default risk. 垃圾债券、高风险债券投机性债券,一般评级BB级或以下,违约风险较高。
- Default Risk The risk that a company or individual will be unable to pay the contractual interest or principal on its debt obligations. 违约风险一家公司或一名人士未能根据合约偿还债务本金与利息的风险。
- Shih-Cheng Lee (with Y.-H. Lin), 2004, Business Cycles and Default Risk in Accounting Pricing Model. 2004 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference. 李诗政(与锺丽英、丘骏飞合著),美国上市公司之违约机率-预期违约频率模式之应用,2004第一届财务金融及财金未来学术暨实务研讨会,2004年01月。
- Using a sample of over ten years mortgage performance records from a domestic bank, we studied the impact of curtailment on mortgage default risk. 本文以本国银行十年期以上之房贷资产为样本资料进行统计实证,以分析部分提前还款行为与该资产违约机率的关系。
- The recently ballyhooed 'stress tests' on banks are nothing more than checking how well a bank can weather differing levels of default risk. 最近时兴的银行“压力测试”不过是检查银行承受不同水平的违约风险的能力。
- One type of risk is default risk,that is,the risk that the borrower will simply not repay the loan,due to either dishonesty or plain inability to do so. 一种类型的风险是违约风险,即惜款者仅仅由于不诚实或完全没有还款能力而无法偿还贷款所带来的风险。
- The paper studies the default risk of wheat futures in Zhengzhou commodity exchange. The result is a close correspondence with the actual market result. 运用此模型研究了郑州商品交易所上市品种小麦的违约风险;所得结果与实际市场结果相吻合.
- In the light of BSM pricing model,information can be obtained of risk-neutral default probability, actual default probability and the default risk spread. 通过BSM定价模型可获得债券的风险中性违约概率、真实世界违约概率和违约风险价差。
- He lost the tennis match by default. 他因不出场而输了网球赛。