- Comprehensive experiment and stability monitoring for soft and complex strata of high stress roadway in deep mine project 深部高应力松软岩层稳定性监测及实验研究
- deep mine project 深部工程
- I have some figures here on the new Tanco mining project. 我这里有新坦河采矿工程的一些数字。
- The characters of deep mine are larger raw rock pressure,larger ore body plasticize,mine pressure severe appearance. 深矿井的特征是原岩压力大、矿体塑性大及矿山压力显现剧烈。
- Deep mining first blighted the West Virginia landscape. 深挖矿井首先使弗吉尼亚州的风景遭到破坏。
- FBD series fanner applies to colliery and mine project local and ventilated with then the project is ventilated.The characteristic is: A. FBD系列透风机适用在煤矿和矿石项目部分透风与遂道项目透风。
- The extraction of coal from these deep mines is expensive. 从这些深矿中取得煤是很昂贵的。
- The study result of in-situ rock mass stress field is one of necessary original data for mine project design, safety construction and production. 岩体原岩应力场的研究成果是矿山工程设计、安全施工与生产必不可少的原始资料之一。
- Underground test showed that this system can control large do formation of deep mine to keep stability of its surrounding cock. 井下试验表明,高预应力、强力锚杆支护系统能有效控制深部巷道强烈变形,保持围岩稳定。
- Base on the back ground of Dafosi Mine project,the key strata theory and cusp catastrophe theory was applied to analyze the mine water inrush mechanism from roof. 以大佛寺煤矿工程为背景,运用关键层理论与尖点突变理论分析了采场顶板透水的发生机理,认为基岩关键层突发性破断失稳是顶板突水的诱因。
- In this paper the main practices to improve quality of financial evaluation of newbuild coal mine project are discussed from the angle of process control. 本文从过程控制的角度探讨了提高新建煤矿项目财务评价质量的主要做法。
- This paper introduces the technical process of Smelter of Saindak Copper and Gold Mine Project in Parkistan,organization for production and standard achieved and technical data. 介绍了巴基斯坦山达克铜金工程冶炼厂的工艺、达产达标生产的组织及技术指标。
- After entering deep mining in Fujia mine, the orebody becomed small, stope layer transition increased, and productive capacity decreased. 富家矿转入深部开采以后,矿体变小,采场转层次数频繁,生产能力降低。
- Then the large-diameter longhole mining project which was employed in Tonglushan Copper-iron Mine is taken as an example. 大直径深孔采矿法因为其高效率、低成本、安全性好在矿山得到了广泛的应用。
- Most of large and middle scale open-pit mines in China have reached deep mining. 摘要我国的大多数大中型露天矿山已经或即将进入深部开采。
- With mining capacity continuous increase and with mine entering into deep mining stage,the grade of crude ore and the grindability of ore decrease that raise the cost of grinding. 随着矿山规模的不断扩大和进入深部开采,矿石的原矿品位和相对可磨度逐渐降低,磨矿成本随之升高。
- Thus we get a perfect answer using BP neural network to evaluate the risks of mining project. 因此文章认为用BP神经网络系统对矿山投资项目的风险评判结果是比较理想的。
- He has worked to make know an affort known the unlawful agreements behind a huge mind in mining project. 他致力于使巨大的采矿项目背后的非法协议曝光。
- The cast and working capacity of driving and supporting tunnel increase several times over in mining deep mine.The subterranean heat problem gradually appears in the deep mine. 在深矿井开采中,巷道的开掘和支护成本、工作量都要成倍地增加,并且在深矿井中地热问题也逐渐显现。
- JIANG Yaodong, ZHAO Yixin, LIU Wengang, et al.Investigation on three-dimensional model of instability of translatory coal bumps in deep mining[J]. 刘文岗;姜耀东;周宏伟;等.;冲击倾向性煤体的细观特征与裂纹失稳的试验研究[J]