- Keep this explanation uppermost in your mind. 这个解释你定要牢记。
- Write your idea down while it's clear in your mind. 趁著还清楚的时候把你的灵感写下来。
- If you have anything in your mind, I want you to come out with it. 你要是有什么想法,我希望你说出来。
- And there's no doubt in your mind about that? 你心里对那就没有疑问吗?
- Can you carry all these figures in your mind? 你的脑子里能记住所有这些数字吗?
- And there is no doubt in your mind about that? 对此你毫无疑问吗?
- What kind of watch did you have in your mind? 您想要买什么样的手表?
- What kind of cigarettes did you have in your mind? 你想要买哪种香烟?
- What kind of account do you have in your mind? 您想要哪种帐户?
- What kind of alarm clock do you have in your mind ? 您想买哪种闹钟?
- These problems are all in your mind, you know. 你知道,这些问题都只是你的凭空想像而已。
- I think I know what's in your mind. 我想我知道你在想什么。
- Reconstructing this crime in your mind. 如果你在脑子里重现整个犯罪过程。
- debate in your mind vt. 考虑(想决定)
- There's no doubt in your mind about his aim? 对他的目的你心里不存疑虑吧?
- Do you have anything weighing in your mind? 你有心事吧?
- Do you have someone like this in your mind? 你心中有这样的一个人吗?
- What kind of account did you have in your mind? 您想要哪种帐户?
- Don't worry about scarcity: be rich in your mind. 不愁物质的匮乏,但做心灵的富翁不怕世间的贫苦,但做自在的主人。
- Just speak out what is in your mind. 但说无妨。