- Only those who have violated state law are dealt with according to law. 只有触犯了国家法律,才被绳之以法。
- A few persons who have advocated bourgeois liberalization and violated state law have been dealt with according to law. 我们依法处理过几个人,他们的问题实际上是搞自由化并且触犯了刑律。
- This is legal reinsurance, have mandatory, insurance company ought to manage according to deal with according to law. 这是法定再保险,具有强制性,保险公司应当依法办理。
- Note: This work for the Jin tian creation, without the permission cannot any form deduction related artware, the offender reassignment deal with according to law. 未经许可不得以任何形式发表引用!不得以任何形式演绎复制相关艺术品进行商业行为,违者将追究其法律责任。
- Law-breaking believers,like other law-breaking citizens,are dealt with according to law. 对违法犯罪的宗教徒,同其他违法犯罪的公民一样,都依法进行处理。
- Law-breaking believers, like other law-breaking citizens, are dealt with according to law. 对违法犯罪的宗教徒,同其他违法犯罪的公民一样,都依法进行处理。
- investigate and deal with according to law 依法究办
- Those who engage in criminal activities under the subterfuge of religion shall be dealt with according to law,whether they are religious people or not. 对于利用宗教搞违法犯罪活动的,中国政府都依法予以处理,不论他是宗教徒,或者不信宗教者。
- Those who engage in criminal activities under the subterfuge of religion shall be dealt with according to law, whether they are religious people or not. 对于利用宗教搞违法犯罪活动的,中国政府都依法予以处理,不论他是宗教徒,或者不信宗教者。
- In case of refusal to leave the station, such a pa enger shall be tra ferred to the public security department to be dealt with according to law. 拒不出站的,移送公安部门依法处理。
- Those who turn down or obstruct tax officials in execution of their official duties and deliberately disrupt public order in taxation shall be dealt with according to law. 对拒绝、阻碍税务人员依法执行公务,有意扰乱税收治安秩序的,要依法予以处理。
- If the infringement of intellectual property rights is so serious that it has disrupted the economic order and constitutes a crime,the infringer's criminal responsibility is investigated and dealt with according to law. 对那些侵犯他人知识产权情节严重,扰乱经济秩序,构成犯罪的,还可以依法追究其刑事责任。
- Some of them should be expelled from the Party,others should be removed from office or subjected to other sanctions,as the case may be,and those who have committed crimes should be dealt with according to law. 该开除党籍的就开除党籍,该给撤职或其他处分的就给这些处分,犯罪的还得法办。
- If the infringement of intellectual property rights is so serious that it has disrupted the economic order and constitutes a crime, the infringer's criminal responsibility is investigated and dealt with according to law. 对那些侵犯他人知识产权情节严重,扰乱经济秩序,构成犯罪的,还可以依法追究其刑事责任。
- arrest and deal with according to law; bring to justice 逮捕法办
- After these people are repatriated, Chinese judiciary authorities will deal with them according to law. 这些人遣返回中国后,中国的司法机关将会依法对其进行审理。
- Those who have agreement of bequeath bring up, deal with according to the agreement. 有遗赠扶养协议的,按照协议办理。
- Each will be dealt with according to the seriousness of his case. 根据情节轻重,分别给予处理。
- settle according to law; be dealt with according to law 依法从事
- I shall deal with them according to your list. 可以根据先生们的问题表,分别来讲。