existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not;
"de facto segregation is as real as segregation imposed by law"
"a de facto state of war"
in reality or fact;
"the result was, de facto, a one-party system"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Some officials concede that allowing farmers to transfer contract titles for a fee amounts to de facto privatisation. 某些官员承认,允许农民流转土地承包经营权以换取付费,形同事实上的私有化。
These members indicated that this could amount to de facto quotas, as the number of potential partners meeting those conditions might be limited. 这些成员表示,这种做法可能构成事实上的配额,因为符合这些条件的潜在合资伙伴的数量可能是有限的。