- It has been raining for days on end. 一连好几天连续下雨。
- It has been cloudy and drizzly for days on end. 近几天一直阴雨连绵。
- Last month he shut himself in for days on end. 上个月他一连几天没有出门。
- The penguin parents sat on the egg for days on end. 企鹅爸爸和企鹅妈妈连续好几天坐着孵蛋。
- They have been working for days on end. 他们已一连工作好多天了。
- It rained for days on end during our holiday. 我们休假期间,接连数日下雨。
- For days on end, I have thirsted for orange juice. 接连数天,我都非常想喝橙汁。
- He would go off into the mountains for days on end. 他将离开,去那座山里呆上数日。
- It was cloudy and drizzly for days on end. 连天阴雨。
- The cave was empty of men for days on end; nobody ate, or knew what to do. 连续数日,男人们一直未回到洞中;没有吃的,谁也不知道该干什么。
- I sit in my house for days on end and stare at the roses in the closet. 我一连几天在屋里静坐.;瞧看壁橱中的玫瑰。
- I get in the dumps at times, and don't open my mouth for days on end. 关于福尔摩斯本人有时我心情不好,一连几天不开口;
- Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her. 日复一日,她徒劳地等待他的电话。
- It has been raining for days on end,because of a static depression over the North Atlatic. 由于北大西洋受静止低气压的控制,连续下了几天的雨。
- He was doing the same thing day after day. 他天天做同样的事。
- Why do you hammer at the subject day after day? 你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目?
- As a result, huge trash piles often accumulated in front of homes, sometimes going uncollected for days on end. 其结果是,大量积累的垃圾成堆,有时会无法收回,这样的日子结束了。
- Day after day, the scientists worked hard in the laboratory. 那些科学家们日复一日在实验室中努力工作着。
- Day after day she wanders on until at length on the high, chalky table-lands. 一天又一天,她漫无目标地流浪,最后来到一个白垩高地。
- Perching on a twig, the bird sang day after day for the tree. 鸟儿坐在树枝上,天天给树唱歌,树呢,天天听着鸟儿唱。