- I have to sit for an exam next week: I shall be glad to get it over. 下星期我得参加一门考试; 我恨不得早点把它考完。
- She is going to sit for an exam tomorrow. 明天她要参加考试。
- The students are grinding away for an exam. 学生们正在刻苦学习准备考试。
- The students are grinding away for an exam . 学生们正在刻苦学习准备考试。
- Shall we fix a date for an interview? 我们为这次面谈定个日子好吗?
- I stayed up late cramming for an exam. 我开了夜车以临时应付考试。
- Please be quiet. I have to study this book for an exam tomorrow. 请安静,我得读这书,准备明天考试。
- That's very nice of you,but I have to revise for an exam. 谢谢你,不过我必须息复习迎考。
- That 's very nice of you, but I have to revise for an exam . 谢谢你,不过我必须息复习迎考。
- I have to sit for an exam next week; I shall be glad to get itover. 下周我得参加一门考试,考完就高兴了。
- And what if I want to draw my money before the maturity date for an urgent use? 如果在存款到期之前,我急需用钱,能取出来吗?
- There was as yet no date for an election, but the Labour Government had been going through some troubled times. 大选还没有定下日期,不过,工党政府近期困难重重。
- There was as yet no date for an election, but the Labor Government had been going through some troubled times. 大选还没有定下日期,不过,工党政府近期困难重重。
- date for an exam 考试日期
- She refused to mane the man and didn't give a date for an expected court appearance. 她拒绝透露这名男子的姓名,也没有公布预期的出庭日期。
- They haven't set a date for their wedding yet. 他们的婚期还没定下来。
- It is possible for him to go on learning a language and to prepare for an exam at the same time. 很可能他一边学语言一边准备考试。
- When the publishing end date for an approved page arrives, the page status changes from Approved to Draft. 到了已批准页面的发布结束日期时,页面状态将从“已批准”更改为“草稿”。
- As the lodger is a student coming for an exam, the hotel charges him only partially, at its discretion. 由于入住的是考生, 宾馆只是酌收了部分费用。
- Let's fix upon a date for the meeting. 我们来确定一个会议日期吧。