- The typist made a clerical error and gave the date as the31st June. 打字员在誊写中出了一个笔误,把打成6月31日了。
- An integer value that represents the date as ticks. 将日期表示为刻度数的整数值。
- Formats the date as the year and month. 将日期格式化为年和月份。
- The idate() function formats a local time or date as integer. 函数的作用是:将本地时间日期格式化为整数形式。
- The typist made a clerical error and gave the date as the 31st June. 打字员在誊写中出了一个笔误,把打成6月31日了。
- The architecture dates as far back as 1950. 这座建筑物早在 1950 年就建成了。
- Advertising copy must be delivered on or before closing date as designated. 广告稿必须在指定截稿日期前送到本公司。
- For earlier dates, store dates as character data. 对于早期日期,可将日期存储为字符数据。
- The statue has been dated as 5th century BC. 这个雕像的年代为公元前5世纪。
- American young people see a date as a time just to have fun.They don't always have a romantic interest in mind. 美国的年轻人把约会看成是玩得开心的时间,并不一定就抱着浪漫的念头。
- In these days of electronic calculators,the slide rule is out of date as a mathematical aid. 在使用电子计算器的当代,作为数学辅助特的计算尺已经过时了。
- Because the insurance is to be covered by the buyer, we ask you to advise us the shipping date as early as possible. 因为保险由买方投保,我们要求贵公司尽早向我们通知装运日期。
- For example, to display the date as "June 15 at 12:00 PM", set the CustomFormat property to "MMMM dd 'at' t: mm tt". 例如,若要将日期显示为“June 15 at 12:00 PM”,请将CustomFormat属性设置为“MMMM dd'at't:mm tt”。
- Select a test date as published by the test centers. You don't have to make the second choice. 首选考试日期:请填写考点正式公布可以受理报名的考试日期。不需填写第二选择日期。
- Access stores all dates as 8-byte double-precision integers. Access将所有日期存储为8字节的双精度整数。
- Tax should be paid on or before due date as stipulated in the notice of assessment. 税款须按照评税通知书上的指定缴税日期或之前缴付。
- Well, there's one way to find out. We could tell Abby she's allowed to date as long as she keeps up her grades. 如果她的成绩下降,在最后的一年里,他不准谈对象。
- LLR is not used by the passive node, and the passive node is always kept as up to date as possible. 被动节点不能使用LLR,并总是尽可能保持最新状态。
- Data is cached each time the user performs a new query, so that the data is kept up to date as much as possible. 每次用户执行新查询时,系统都会缓存数据,以便尽可能使数据保持最新状态。
- DateString always returns the system date as "MM-dd-yyyy", which uses the abbreviated month name. DateString总是将使用月份名缩写的系统日期返回成“MM-dd-yyyy”。