- Filtering and involved data manipulation. 数据过滤调用等。
- JDOM as an open-source API makes XML data manipulation easy. JDOM作为一个开放源代码的应用程序接口,简化了Java对XML数据的操作。
- They should welcome the opportunity that data marts offer to become more directly involved in data manipulation activities. 他们应欢迎数据集市在数据管理层活动中提供更直接参与的机会。
- A microprocessor's word size also applies to logic that handles data manipulations. 一个微处理机的字长也涉及到实现数据操作的逻辑。
- Manage data manipulation by using stored procedures, transactions, triggers, user-defined functions, and views. 通过使用存储过程、事务处理、触发器、用户定义函数和视图来进行数据操作。
- The first step of Index Consultant operation is to capture a workload of data manipulation and query operations. [索引顾问]工作的第一步是捕获数据操作和查询操作的负载。
- A job flow requiring interdependencies among the jobs, especially with regard to data manipulation. 作业流要求作业之间相互依赖,尤其是在进行数据操纵的时候。
- You've also seen how to make both data access and data manipulation tasks dynamic at runtime by using parameters. 您现在已经了解如何使用参数在运行时动态执行数据访问和数据操作任务。
- No “correction” should be used for covering data manipulation or even intentional falsification. 任何“更正”都不可用来掩盖数据处理的扭曲或有意的捏造。
- While Transact-SQL excels at data access and management, it does not have programming constructs that make data manipulation and computation easy. 尽管Transact-SQL在数据访问和管理方面领先,但是它没有提供编程构造来使数据操作和计算更加容易。
- A stored procedure that executes in response to a data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) event. 为响应数据操作语言(DML)事件或数据定义语言(DDL)事件而执行的存储过程。
- These tasks fall into two categories, data definition statements and data manipulation statements, which are described in the following table. 上述任务可以分为两类:数据定义语句和数据操作语句,下表对这两类语句进行了说明。
- The Query and View Designer can help you create and maintain the data retrieval and data manipulation portions of your application. 查询和视图设计器可帮助您创建和维护应用程序的数据检索和数据操作部分。
- Java developers write the tag handler classes to process the tags and handle all of the Java coding and data manipulation required. Java开发人员编写标记处理程序类以处理标记并处理所有需要的Java代码和数据操作。
- Are components that have been explicitly designed for data manipulation and fast, forward-only, read-only access to data. 是专门为数据处理以及快速地只进、只读访问数据而设计的组件。
- You can choose from a variety of viewing formats to render reports on demand in preferred formats for data manipulation or printing. 您可以从许多查看格式中进行选择,以数据操作或打印的首选格式按需呈现报表。
- This new feature can help you quickly add data manipulation scripts to your project and easily script execution of stored procedures. 使用这项新功能可以将数据操作脚本快速添加到项目中,并可轻松编写执行存储过程的脚本。
- A new technology is now available to protect the plant floor from data manipulation, espionage, unauthorized access, and automated intrusions. 现在一项新技术可以使工厂免受非法数据操作、间谍、非授权访问以及非法自动入侵等造成的损失。
- XML:DB provides a community for collaborative development of specifications for XML databases and data manipulation technologies. DB为XML数据库和数据处理技术规范的合作开发提供了一个社区。
- A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data. 磁鼓中用来暂时存放数据的一种缓冲区。