- cut their teech vi. 长牙齿(到达懂事年龄)
- The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped. 囚犯们从铁丝网中开出一条路逃跑了。
- Cut their heirs off without a cent. 完全剥夺了他们继承人的继承权
- They must cut their coat according to their cloth. 他们必须量体裁衣[量人为出]。
- They must cut their coats according to their cloth. 他们必须量体裁衣。
- The Beatles cut their first disc in 1962. 披头士乐队於1962年灌了第一张唱片.
- They make their children cut their own grass. 他们让子女们自食其力。
- They thus cut their mitochondria out of the loop. 这种作用机制效率较低,但不需要线粒体参与。
- Rastafarians do not cut their hair. 拉斯特法理信徒不剪头。
- A strong man and a waterfall cut their own path. 一个坚强的人就像瀑布,能自己开出路来。
- They cut their way through the forest with their axes. 他们用斧头在树林里劈出一条路。
- The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wires and escaped. 囚犯们从铁丝网中开出一条路逃跑了。
- The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire. 囚犯们切断铁丝网开出一条路逃之夭夭。
- The management wanted some250 workers to give up their present incentive pay, which would have cut their daily wages by about$5 a man. 资方想使250名工人放弃眼下的增产刺激金,这样每名工人的工资每天要减少5元。
- They returned to find that someone had cut their boat adrift. 他们回来时发现有人切断了缆绳任船在水中漂流。
- Many, such as Sunshine River Tours, have cut their prices. 许多旅游线像阳光河之游一样已经开始降价。
- We're gonna stab 'em and shoot 'em and cut their heads off. 我们可以刺杀、射杀这些角色,可以砍掉他们的脑袋。
- All the big financial institutions cut their interest rates today. 所有大型金融机构今天都降息。
- The recession has prompted many firms to cut their travel budgets. 经济不景气,许多公司被迫削减差旅开支预算。
- It is a flea market. Be sure to bargain. They often cut their prices by 30%. 这是一个跳蚤市场,一定要杀价,通常能降30%25。