- curved profiled bar 弯型杆
- The application of hot coarse generating gas in heating furnace of profiled bar of Huanghe special steel Co. 简要介绍了两段式煤气发生炉的产气原理以及热粗煤气在黄河公司型材加热炉上的应用,分析了运行成本。
- The reasons causing the vibration and the profiled bar revolving in the dragging process are studied by use of Virtual Prototype Technology. 利用虚拟样机技术对水平连铸系统牵引运动过程中棒料运动的自旋现象以及振动所产生的原因进行了分析。
- There are many profiled bar fixted size machines in the factory of our country.They used in different situations and each of them has its strong point. 我国型钢厂目前使用的定尺机多种多样,它们各自使用在不同的场合。
- We adapt at designing and producing steel structure accessory and our technics is particular in correcting, bending, welding of profiled bar and plate. 我厂擅长钢结钩件的设计和制作,在型钢和板材的校正、弯制、焊接等工艺方面有自己独到的一面。
- CURVED PROFILE AND ORANGE SIGHTLINE show the player the proper stroke path. 微曲外形配上橙色导航线向球手展示正确的推杆轨迹。
- Acid pickling surface of profiled bar component can cleanup oxidation and realize gentle acid erode to increase binding power between zincification and matrices. 通过对型钢构件表面酸洗,可清除其表面氧化层,并实现对其表面的轻度刻蚀,以增加后续锌镀层与基体的结合力。
- We provides appropriated processing service as following, profiled bar saw-cut, bent, punch, weld, derust, plates crosscut, slit, even packing productions and delivery, etc. 公司主要为客户提供各类钢材加工、配送、储运服务,从型材的锯切、弯曲、打孔、焊接、除锈,到板材横切、纵剪,包括产品包装运输的一条龙服务。
- Damages first came out from some weak zones of H profiled bar joints such as weld seams and bolt joints, because rigid joints did not show enough tensibility under cyclic load. 试验过程中,刚性节点在循环荷载作用下没有表现足够的延性,H型钢连接件的焊缝及螺栓连接等薄弱区首先破坏;
- Application range: light setting wall, ceiling, lighting, lamp, floor profiled bar, pervious to light, and light put artwork of mesa, modelling is chic furnishing articles, etc. 应用范围:透光吊顶、透光背景墙、异型灯饰、灯柱、地面透光立柱、透光吧台、透光艺术品摆放及各种造型别致的台面、摆件等等。
- Based on the general equation of curved profile worms, the reverse solution principle of parameters of these worms is introduced. 基于曲纹面圆柱蜗杆的一般方程 ;探讨了该类蜗杆齿廓参数反求原理 .
- If desired, the hogging may be arranged to take more than half the total moment, which fits well with a graceful curved profile. 如有必要,可以将负弯矩配置到承担一半以上的总弯距,这很适于使桥梁形成优美的曲线轮廓。
- The system can carry out mould preliminary design,can carry out database management of profiled bar and mould and mould management,can carry out documents and mould nephogram which is analyze by CAE. 介绍了由云南省机械研究设计院自主研发的“铝型材挤压模具设计及数据库管理系统”,该系统可完成模具的初步设计、型材和模具及工模具管理的数据库管理、图档和经CAE分析的模具云图浏览等功能。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- High Chromed Roll For Steel Pipe, Profiled Bar 钢管、型钢用高铬辊
- The New Type Profiled Bar Fixed Size Machine 新型型钢定尺机
- A bullet describes a curved path in the air. 子弹在空中作曲线运动。
- Composite structure of profiled bar and concrete 型钢混凝土组合结构
- silver bearing copper alloy profiled bar 铜银合金异型排
- The spear curved through the air. 标枪在空中沿曲线运动。