- Currency notes bear serial numbers. 钞票上有连续的号码。
- Currency notes have serial number. 钞票上有连续的号码。
- Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes. 外汇基金则享有铸币收益。
- Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency notes and coins issuance. 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是发行纸币和硬币。
- The decrease was due mainly to decreases in Certificates of Indebtedness and in Government-issued currency notes. 货币基础减少,主要是由于负债证明书及政府发行的纸币减少。
- Exploring the impact of Chinese New Year on demand for currency notes and estimating the seasonal pattern. 探讨农历新年对纸币需求的影响,以及估计有关的季节模式。
- His wife finds some foreign currency notes in its pocket while she was washing the trouser. 一次偶然的机会,他的妻子在他买给儿子的二手衣服里发现了面值很大,但不知是哪国的货币。
- The note-issuing banks may besue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. 发钞银行必须按7.;8的固定汇率交出无息美元保证,才可发行流通纸币。
- The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decline in backing assets resulting from a drop in currency notes outstanding. 外币资产减少,主要是已发行的钞票数量减少,引致支持资产亦相对减少。
- This account allows you to deposit US dollars you brought in from overseas or transferred into the foreign currency notes account. 您从境外携入或本来持有的美元现钞可存入外币现钞帐户。
- Meanwhile, it is advisable for those holding national currency notes and coins from the euro zone to take stock of them and plan ahead. 另一方面,持有欧元成员国纸币及硬币的人士,也应开始计划如何处理。
- The increase in foreign currency assets was mainly due to evaluation gains on foreign currency investments and increase in currency notes outstanding. 外币资产增加,主要原因是外币投资的估值上升,以及已发行纸币增加。
- The note-issuing banks may issue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. 发钞银行必须按7.;8的固定汇率交出无息美元保证,才可发行流通纸币。
- If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount. 如您持有外币本票、票及支票等,可委托银行的营业网点办理托收或贴现。
- The first part shows a few of the people - real and imaginary - who have appeared on certain Hong Kong banknotes and currency notes during the last century. 第一部分展示在上世纪曾于香港的钞票上出现过的一些真实及虚构人物。大家只需把有关图像与相应的钞票配对。
- During the Japanese Occupation, the authorities freely printed and circulated currency notes that really had no value. How did the people describe the currency? 在日本占领期间,当局无节制地印刷和流通实际上没有价值的货币。当时人们是如何形容这些货币的?
- The corresponding US dollar deposits received from note issuing banks to back the additional currency notes were invested in short-term interest bearing instruments. 发钞银行交予外汇基金以支持增发的银行纸币的相应美元,已用作投资于短期计息工具。
- At the end of April, currency note issuance increased during the month-end holiday weekend. 月底时,在长周末假期期间钞票需求有所增加。
- As I had problems differentiating between the various Swiss currency notes and coins,I always opened my purse when I was paying and let the cashier take out whatever sum that was to be paid. 我付款时,因为难分辨钱币,老是把钱包打开,任由店员自取。
- The note-issuing banks may besue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. Thus the Fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes. 发钞银行必须按7.;80的固定汇率交出无息美元保证才可发行流通纸币,因此外汇基金享有发钞利润。