- The Prospects of Cultural Globalization: Utopia or Dystopia? 文化全球化的前景:乌托邦还是敌托邦?
- Culture globalization is equal to westernize. 文化全球化不等于西化。
- Cultural globalization implies a high degree of cultural interaction and relativity. 文化的全球化意味着文化的高度互动化、相关化。
- Cultural globalization, unlike economic globalization, enhances regionalization and localization. 与经济全球化不同,文化全球化会加强区域化和地方化。
- The impact of cultural globalization is the subject of widespread controversy on which Assimilability Theory, Conflict Theory and Reconciliation Theory focus. 在这种场景之下,形成了趋同论、异质论与融合论三种不同的观点,它们就文化全球化的发展趋势及其影响展开争论。
- NBA cultural globalization, the globalization of American culture is in fact a microcosm. NBA文化的全球化其实正是美国文化全球化的一个缩影。
- People should overcome all kinds of ideological biases and one-sided understanding, make clear what globalization implies and really recognize the objectivity of cultural globalization. 首先,人们应克服种种意识形态偏见与认识的片面,从理论上弄清全球化的内涵,真正认同文化全球化的客观性。
- Under the impact of economic and cultural globalization and integration, the production of the TV program is facing with the either-or choice between globalization and localization in terms of invention. 在世界经济与文化领域全球化和一体化的浪潮中,电视节目的生产也在创作层面上面临着“全球化”和“本土化”的两难抉择。
- This thesis argues cultural globalization is the inexorable trend accompanied by the development of cyberculture. So cultural hegemonism will strive for the dominant position to occupy the whole world. 本文旨在阐述随着网络文化的发展,文化的全球化已经是不言而喻,由此而产生的文化霸权主义便想争夺世界的统治地位,进而占领世界。
- Professor Featherstone of Nottingham Trent University, one of the most influential participator in post-modernism and cultural globalization debate, has devoted himself to a vast project-new encyclopedia project recently. 摘要英国诺丁汉特伦特大学社会学与传播学教授费瑟斯通,作为后现代主义和文化全球化论争最有影响的参与者之一,最近致力于并将在今后很长一段时间都要从事的浩大工程?新百科全书工程。
- Cultural globalization manifests itself not only in the convergence of cultural essence, but also in the colonization of cultures. 文化的全球化不仅表现为文化的同质化,而且表现为文化的殖民化。
- In a certain sense, economy globalization itself is or means culture globalization. 经济全球化必然包含着或者本身就是某种意义上的文化全球化。
- Along with economic globalization is cultural globalization, which is a phenomenon appearing only in certain historical stages.It disseminates culture in different ways. 摘要文化全球化是经济全球化的伴生物,是在一定历史阶段下才出现的一种现象,文化全球化以不同的路径传播文化。
- Cultural globalization goes beyond the limits of culture, breaks up singleness of cultural expression, and brings into being cultural scenes to interpret gradually. 摘要文化全球化跨越了文化的边界,打破了文化表达方式的单一性,并日益成为诠释事物的文化场景。
- Culture globalization has planted into human beings' lives with economic integration, with a myriad of changes in modern medium and information technology. 借助瞬息万变的现代化传媒技术和信息技术,文化全球化已经和经济全球化一起进入人们的日常生活。
- Analyzed in a broader view, the network culture reveals such a linear relation that "Culture Globalization = Culture Westernization = Culture Americanization". 从全球信息分布的格局来宏观分析,网络文化显示了“文化全球化=文化西方化=文化美国化”的线性换算关系。
- The Impact of Cultural Globalization on Ethnic Cul 文化全球化对民族文化的影响
- His research interests include children's unsolicited drawing, popular visual culture and art education, images of children in the media, critical theory, and cultural globalization. 他的研究方向包括儿童自主性绘画、大众视觉文化和艺术教育、媒体中的儿童形象、批评理论以及文化全球化。
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。