- Arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache. 带来坏消息; 留络腮胡子的男人
- When he was twenty years old, he began to have a moustache. 当他二十岁的时候,他长了胡子。
- His lips are roofed by a moustache. 他的嘴唇被小胡子遮盖住了。
- Try to cultivate a less brusque manner. 尽量去培养不那么粗暴的举止。
- He has a moustache, but no beard. 他嘴上有胡须,不过没有络腮胡。
- He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. 他已经决定留起络腮胡子和髭。
- Arrived with bad news;a man with a moustache. 带来坏消息;留络腮胡子的男人
- Gary has a moustache on his upper lip. 加里上嘴唇有一撮小胡子。
- Anna: Has he got a moustache or a beard? 安娜:他是留胡髭还是胡子?
- Cultivate a big heart-but a small ego. 心量要大自我要小。
- A man with a moustache may not kiss a woman. 蓄八字胡的男子不可亲吻女子。
- Emotion aims: Cultivate a taste of loving nature. 情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的情操。
- Cultivate a pleasant, per-suasive voice. 怎么说通常比说什么更重要。
- It takes some time to cultivate a new friendship. 培育新的友情需要花费一些时间。
- Why should we cultivate a forgiving spirit? 为甚麽我们要培养宽恕的心?
- Cultivate a concerted and cooperating group spirit. 培育齐心协力的团队精神。
- Cultivate a pleasant, persuasive voice. 说话要令人高兴,循循善诱。
- It was 20 years old when I began to sprout a moustache. 我是在20岁的时候开始长胡子的。
- He's a man of medium height. He wears glasses and has a moustache. 他中等身材,戴着眼镜,留着胡子。
- No, no. He did have a moustache, just a short little moustache. 没有,不过他留胡子,短短的胡子,并且不多。