- Arriving on the virgin soil, they were proudly ready to begin their task. 来到这块处女地,他们踌躇满志。
- But had been done not have a little while, virgin soil of son shy with strangers asks: "Mrs Glyn, will choose water? 可是没过一会儿,儿子怯生生地问:“格林太太,来点水好吗?”
- Glutinous rehmannia chow mien, virgin soil is yellow 500 grams, flour 250 grams, pound, fry dry, grind end. 地黄炒面,生地黄500克,白面250克,捣烂、炒干、碾末。
- Virgin soil of game reason accident is teem with petrolic Venezuela, because this regards promotion as the gift of game with fuel. 游戏故事发生地为盛产石油的委内瑞拉,因此以燃油作为推广游戏的赠品。
- The song and dance duet in Hequ(a county in Shanxi province)takes shape in the virgin soil with the main materials drawn from the local custom. 河曲二人台产生于交通闭塞、偏僻落后的自然环境中,其内容多取材于民间,植根于当地的地域文化土壤中,演唱的是劳动人民中间的事,听起来亲切动人,极易引起群众的共鸣。
- For example, the initial Pacific island-hopping of Ross River virus in the 1980s from its original econiche in Australia caused "virgin soil" epidemics of arthritis-myalgia syndrome in Fiji and Samoathis virus will surely reemerge. 例如,最初的能在太平洋的岛屿间跳跃的罗斯河病毒,在离开它的澳大利亚原来的生态小生境后,曾经在斐济的“处女地"引起关节炎、肌痛综合症,而命名为萨摩亚斯病毒肯定将重新出现。
- This small poem appears even if write in those days frustrated oneself, it is very simple, was full of warmth however, the dot in resembling a fairy tale mutters in self-conscious virgin soil. 这首小诗似乎就是写给当年失意的自己,它非常简单、却充满了温情,像一个童话中的小孩子在怯生生地喃喃自语。
- At present, although forecasting research on overall competitiveness of provincial economy is a virgin soil, it has showed the new development aera to economic forecasting research in China. 当前,省城经济综合竞争力预测研究虽然是一个国内外研究者涉足甚少的领域,但它为中国的经济预测研究拓展了新的发展空间。
- She remained a virgin all her life. 她终生未婚。
- He always tries to cultivate famous people. 他总是结交名人。
- This is the virgin voyage of the ship. 这是这艘船的处女航。
- They moved to the country to cultivate the soil . 他们搬到乡下去种地。
- The Virgin Mary. Often used with Our. 圣母玛丽亚。常与our连用
- There were no footmarks on the virgin snow. 洁白的雪上没有脚印。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- They moved to the country to cultivate the soil. 他们搬到乡下去种地。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- A quarter of the area is covered with virgin forest. 四分之一的地区都是原始森林。
- John always tries to cultivate people who are useful to him. 约翰经常设法和对他有用的人结交。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?