- His cult of personality is sustained by fear and brute force. 对他的个人崇拜因为恐惧和强权得到了维系。
- Commemorative activities in honour of some other leaders also sometimes smacked of the cult of personality. 对其他领导人的纪念,有时也带有个人崇拜的成分。
- He wants to avoid creating another "cult of personality" the euphemism for glorification of an all powerful leader. 他想避免造成另一个“个人崇拜”,即全权领袖荣耀的委婉说法。
- Moscow invented the cult of personality, and Putin has long been touted as a kind of post-Soviet superman here. 莫斯科当局发明出这种个人崇拜,而普廷在俄罗斯一直被视为是后苏联时代的超人。
- Mr Kadyrov has dabbled with Islamism, stands accused of horrific atrocities and is orchestratinghis own cult of personality. 卡德罗夫与伊斯兰主义有染,被控告犯有骇人听闻的暴行,并且正在试图使他人树立对他的个人崇拜。
- It repeated the cult of personality with dense feudalism.Finally it resulted in the Cultural Revolution of the proletariate which had lasted ten years. “反修斗争”强化了建国后一个时期内的教条主义和个人崇拜,终于导致了历时十年之久的无产阶级文化大革命。
- TIME: How important is party discipline and loyalty? Is there a danger of totalitarianism, or a cult of personality around you? 时代:党的纪律和对它的忠诚有多重要?会否出现集/权主义,或是对你个人的崇拜?
- The Accused have promoted a cult of personality, and brought about the establishment of a cottage industry of consultants, trainers, and sundry acolytes to interpret their abstruse musings. 被告推广了对个体性的信仰,建立了由顾问,教练,和小群拥戴者来解释他们费解长考的作坊式工业。
- The Party forbids all forms of personality cult. 党禁止任何形式的个人崇拜。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- He's a friendly chatty sort of person. 他这个人挺和善,很爱讲话。
- A woman member of the orgiastic cult of Dionysus. 参加狄俄尼索斯酒神节狂欢的女人
- He's the sort of person I really dislike. 他这种人我真不喜欢。
- Order to spread the cult of Krsna consciousness. 为了传播奎师那知觉,传教士有时需要冒险。
- She's a very vital sort of person. 她是个精力旺盛的人。
- Zoroaster retained the ancient cult of fire. 琐罗亚斯德仍然保留着古老的火的祭礼。
- The cult of the Virgin Mary was extremely popular. 对圣母马利亚的膜拜当时非常流行。
- What has the Cult of Baltar been trading for food? 波塔尔的信徒们用什么交换食物?
- He is a downright sort of person. 他是那种直爽的人。
- The cult of beauty is destined to be ineffectual . 他们命中注定会再见面.