- Depth of investigation in sonic logging is studied based on wave acoustics. 从波动声学的角度讨论声波测井的探测深度问题。
- Multipole array sonic logging tools have widely been employed in Chinese oilfields in recent years. 几年来,多极组合声波测井仪已广泛应用于中国各油田。
- AFF( acoustic formation factor) equation is an effective porosity interpretation model using sonic logging data. 声波地层因素)程是利用声波时差资料求取地层孔隙度的一种有效的解释模型。
- In this paper, a new acoustic transducer of SBT sonic logging tool is introduced. 测井仪器有不同的种类,使用的测量原理、刻度方法和测量手段也各不相同。
- Usage: Pastes to the breast cross hole or the pain spot under the touch, one piece on left&right. 用法:贴于乳房十字穴或有触痛部位,左右各一片。
- An interactive processing technique of full wave sonic logging data is developed to enhance the veracity of various wavelets. 开发了声波全波列测井资料的人机交互处理技术,大大提高了各种分波信息处理的准确性。
- The paper put forwards the design scheme of the thin bed sonic logging tool, and also discusses the key problems and the solutions. 文章论述研制薄层声波测井仪的必要性及设计思路,介绍仪器方案设计、关键问题及解决办法。
- In addition,the sonic logging data are used in synthetic seismogram and the log constrained inversion,which will be the goal of the lo... 另外,声波测井资料也常被用于合成地震记录以及测井约束地震反演,这也成为当前测井地震联合勘探开发的发展方向。
- Compensated sonic logging sonde was often put into the scale well when maintained.The work of the instrument dismantlement is relatively large. 补偿声波仪维修时常要将测量探头放入刻度井中,观察接收晶体接收的波列信号来检测电子线路的工作情况,仪器拆卸的工作量较大。
- The sonic log measurement is affected both by the irregular variation of caliper and lithology. 声波时差测量结果受井径扩径和岩性变化的双重影响。
- To eliminate their impacts, it is necessary to carry out anti alias trace interpolation, especially for the reflected waves from VSP and cross hole seismic, because they are of steep slope, we use the anti alias trace interpolation in F-K domain. 为了消除其影响 ,需要进行道内插 ,特别是VSP和井间地震反射波具有陡斜率的特点 ,因此 ,道内插去假频显得尤为重要。 我们采用了F -K域抗假频道内插。
- A sonic log compensation model is designed by considering both effects of the variation of caliper and lithology. 设计了一种砂泥岩剖面的变井径变岩性模型,分析了补偿声波测井产生的滑行波的传播路径和常规井径校正方法。
- The log reconstruction method based on neural network is a effective one to improve the quality of sonic log. 基于神经网络的曲线重构法是提高声波测井曲线质量的有效方法。
- Using gamma ray log, neutron log, density log and sonic log, with the algorithm of fuzzy clustering, we can realize lithology recognition. 摘要利用测井数据中的自然伽玛、中子、声波和密度测井曲线所蕴含的岩性信息,用模糊聚类算法实现岩性的自动划分。
- The sonic logging data and seismic data are wildly used in the log-seismic prospecting while there are some differences between them because of the principle of their acquisition. 声波测井资料和地震数据在井震联合勘探中发挥了重要的作用,由于采集机制的不同使得两者存在着一定的差异。
- In carton one aspect of the matter 6 centimeters of place wear two holes (two holes span 10 centimeters of) , take 15 centimeters long elastic to cross hole rearward knot to secure. 在纸盒一端6厘米处穿两个洞(两洞间距10厘米),取15厘米长的橡皮筋穿过洞在背后打结固定。
- Oil and gas analysis in cased hole by an array sonic logging tool 套管井阵列声波测井仪器与油气层识别技术
- The method,by means of non-linear algorithm of neural network technology,is used to set up a non-linear relation among sonic log curve,SP,Rt,Gr and curves. 该方法通过神经网络技术的非线性算法,在声波曲线与自然电位、电阻率、自然伽马等多条测井曲线之间建立一种非线性关系。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。