- eM-Plant eM-Plant
- [plant+] 盛开 to be in bloom
- [plant+] 生根 to take root
- eM-Plant软件 eM-Plant
- EM-plant仿真 Em-plant simulation
- 接著,您将向Manufacture Plant 1服务添加补偿服务。 Next, you add the compensation service to Manufacture Plant 1 service.
- 基于eM-Plant和分支定界算法的动态加工车间送料路径仿真与优化 Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Plant Material Delivery Path Based on eM-Plant and Branch and Bound Algorithm
- 在我们的OTMPS场景中,您需要为Manufacture Plant 1服务的补偿服务建立服务介面。 In our OTMPS scenario, you need to create a service interface for the compensation service of Manufacture Plant 1 service.
- 提出了基于EPA(Ethernet for Plant Automation)协议的车间数字设备集成控制系统的体系结构; The system configuration of numerical equipment integrated control system of workshop based on EPA(Ethernet for Plant Automation) was put forward in this paper.
- 汉语里的“工厂”一词,在英语中有factory、manufactory、plant、works、mill等多种表达形式。 For the Chinese word "Gongchang", there are several expressions in English such as "fac-tory", "manufactory", "plant", "works", "mill".
- 提示:What do you plant in your garden? When is the best time for planting? How much water do your plants need? What is your favorite plant? Do you have fun working in the garden?
- 本文针对邯钢集团公司连铸连轧厂CSP(Compact Strip Plant)生产线,系统地介绍了生产线的设备及工艺流程。 Concerning to the CSP(Compact Strip Plant) production line in Handan Iron and Steel Group Company Limited, the authors give a systematic introduction on the equipment and process of the production line.
- API(Autonomous Plant-care Inplememtation)是由丹麦奥尔堡大学和农业科学研究所等单位联合研发的自主农业机器人。 API (Autonomous Plant-care Implementation) is a sort of autonomous agriculture robot, developed by Aalborg University and Agriculture Science Institute in Denmark.
- 正如前面所提到的,Manufacture Plant 1活动并不是全局交换的一部分,因此在补偿服务OrderCompensation中定义的revokeOrder操作将被呼叫。 As described earlier, the Manufacture Plant 1 activity is not part of the global transaction, and therefore the operation revokeOrder defined in compensation service OrderCompensation will be invoked.
- SPPT(SHIP POWER PLANT TRAINING)是一种基于PC机的船舶电站仿真训练软件,它以某现代化1600箱集装箱货船电站为仿真母型,采用全物理过程建模方法,细致地模拟了母型船舶电站的正常及非正常运行工况。 SPPT(Ship Power Plant Training ) is a kind of PC-based ship power plant training software, which takes a modern 1600-container freighter as a model ship and adopts full physical process modeling mode to simulate the model power plant's normal and abnormal running processes.