- Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. 假冒的麻醉药被充当正品而销售.
- Production (including dispensing) and distribution of counterfeit drugs are prohibited. 禁止生产(包括配制)、销售假药。
- Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance or not enough to work. 假冒药品用真药品名称出售。他们往往不包含活跃的物质或不能充分工作。
- METHODS:The main characteristics of counterfeit drugs were discussed by representative cases. 方法:以典型案例为剖析对象,阐明我国假药呈现的主要特征与特点。
- Alan Drewsen, head of the International Trademark Association, says counterfeit drugs often send their own message. 例如在北非,执行们表示90%25的机动车零件是假冒的,导致了许多例车祸。
- Alan Drewsen), head of the International Trademark Association, says counterfeit drugs often send their own message. 公司高管们指出,以北非为例,90%25的汽车零备件都是假冒的,从而导致了大量的车祸。
- Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance, or not enough to work. 假药是顶着真药的头衔出售的。其通常不包含有效物质或者不能起有效的作用。
- Chinese police are hunting for a man suspected of masterminding a counterfeit drug ring that helped put fake diabetes drugs on the market in China. 中国警方正在搜捕一名涉嫌操控一个假药集团的男子,这个集团参与把糖尿病假药投放于中国市场。
- Bright Simons, a Ghanaian social entrepreneur, has devised a phone-based system called mPedigree to tackle the problem of counterfeit drugs. 一位加纳的企业家,建立了一个可以用来甄别假药的系统叫mPedigree。
- Counterfeit drugs -- like counterfeit money -- are difficult for even the most highly trained medical professionals to distinguish from the real thing. 假药类似假钞一样,即使是有进行过高级培训的医药专家也很难鉴别。
- The World Health Organization calls counterfeit drugs the silent epidemic, preying on the sick and denying patients therapies that can alleviate suffering and save lives. 世界卫生组织称假药为安静的瘟疫。以病人为目标,使病人得不到减轻病痛及挽救生命的相应治疗。
- The goernment said it also planned safety checks on a large majority of food makers and said that regulators would crack down on the sale of counterfeit drugs and medical deices. 政府也计划对大多数食品生产企业进行安全检查,并严惩制造伪劣药品和医疗器械的企业。
- For instance, one recent report says that pirates in countries such as China and India have used chalk, dust and contaminated water to make counterfeit drugs. 比如说,最近的一份报告就显示,在中国和印度等国家的假冒伪劣商家曾经以白垩、灰尘和污染水为原料来制造假药。
- Jjjrachel: TheWorld Health Organization calls counterfeit drugs the silent epidemic, preying on the sick and denying patients therapies that can alleviate suffering and save lives. 世界卫生组织声称假药在默默的疟疾一样,折磨病人,对有助于病人缓解病痛的治疗没有作用。
- And efforts to close the regulatory gap must overcome one particularly thorny issue: some uncertified companies accused of selling counterfeit drugs are owned by the government itself. 并努力接近监管差距必须克服一个特别棘手的问题:有的未经公司被指控贩卖冒牌药品,是由政府拥有本身。
- Its Feb. 18, 2004 report, Combatting Counterfeit Drugs, all but mandates the use of reliable RFID -- a track-and-trace technology that creates a pedigree for a product down to an individual unit. 它18 2月,2004报告,几乎作斗争伪造的药权力使用可靠的RFID -- 建立一种产品的一个种系到单个单元的一项踪迹和踪迹的技术。
- Global efforts are underway to deelop an international database that documents all counterfeit drug actiity. Experts also urge greater coordination with the pharmaceutical industry. 共同的努力就是去建立一个国际性的数据库,用它登记所有的假药活动。专家们也力劝医药公司要保持配合。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- It is a crime to counterfeit money. 伪造货币是犯罪行为。
- In wealthier countries the most frequently counterfeited drugs are expensive lifestyle medicines such as allergy medications. 在富裕的国家,最普遍的假药是最贵的日常生活的药,比如过敏性药。