- She could not suffer criticism. 她受不了批评。
- He could not suffer criticism. 他受不了批评。
- We thought her diminutive figure could not suffer that work. 我们认为她那小小的身材不能忍受那项工作。
- She could not suffer his husband' s sadism. 她受不了丈夫的虐待。
- She could not suffer his husband's sadism. 她受不了丈夫的虐待。
- could not suffer criticism 受不了批评
- The idealist withdrew himself, because he could not suffer the jostling of the human crowd. 理想主义者自动地逃避生活,因为他受不了那种人群的竞争挤撞。
- He could not suffer opposition. 他容不得反对意见。
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- He could not turn his back upon helpless travelers. 对孤立无援的旅客,他不忍心拒绝不管。
- She couldn't suffer criticism. 她受不了批评。
- She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy. 她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。
- An adamant critic who could not be budged. 一个不会屈从的、态度坚决的批评家
- The wounded boy could not forbear to cry out. 受伤的男孩忍不住哭了。
- I should not suffer it for a moment. 这我一刻也忍受不了。
- The old man could not walk without a stick. 这老人没有手杖就走不了路。
- There is no man that does not suffer misfortune. 未遭不幸世间无。
- Leptonic probes do not suffer from this handicap. 轻子探针不会遇到这一困难。
- As we talked, I felt a joy I could not restrain. 我们交谈时,我感到一种无法抑制的高兴情绪。
- She could not suffer his husband's sadism 她受不了丈夫的虐待。