- This process is called nucleosynthesis. 这个过程被称为“核合成”。
- There is a cosmological arrow of time. 还有一个宇宙学的时间指针。
- The cosmological redshift is not a normal Doppler shift. 宇宙学的红移并不是平常的都卜勒偏移。
- The cosmological argument does not stand up under scrutiny. 宇宙成因论经不起仔细推敲。
- They can be used to test cosmological theories,” says Lamer. 它们可以用来检验宇宙学理论。”
- If the cosmological principle is so successful, why should we question it? 如果宇宙学原理如此成功,为什么我们还要质疑它呢?
- Modern cosmological models address, the universe was fromthe Big Bang. 宇宙学模型提供了星相学的哲学原理。
- The modern cosmological models give a very dismay future of the universe. 现代宇宙学模型给出了一个非常令人恐慌的宇宙未来。
- This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered. 这种实验检验给那些人们正在考虑的宇宙论模型施加了限制。
- Currently the cleanest probe of big bang nucleosynthesis is the abundance of deuterium. 目前,氘的丰度是探测大霹雳核合成作用最乾净的探针。
- The Doppler redshift and the cosmological redshift are governed by two distinct formulas. 都卜勒红移和宇宙学红移是由两个截然不同的准则所支配。
- The yellow band indicates the amount of matter that can reside in "normal" matter, or baryons, as inferred from Nucleosynthesis. 黄色部分显示以“常态”物质存在的物质数量,或从核合成推论出的重子。
- These patterns combined with the stellar nucleosynthesis theory enable us to study the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. 结合 恒星核合成理论,可以了解银河系的形成和演化过程。
- The three cosmological principles are the basic assumptions about the universe derived from observations. 从实际观察之中,我们得出了三个有关宇宙的基本假设,我们称之为宇宙学原理。
- In an alternative view of the universe, one that jettisons the cosmological principle, space, too, expands unevenly. 在宇宙的一种替代观点中,抛弃了宇宙学原理,空间也在不均匀的膨胀。
- The contents of the Book of Changs include ancient Chinese divination and cosmological beliefs. 《易经》的内容包括古人卜卦的记录和他们对宇宙的认识。
- Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy. 不管是宇宙常数还是第五元素,都属于暗能量的?畴。
- Big Bang nucleosynthesis begins about one second after the Big Bang, when the universe has cooled down sufficiently to form stable protons and neutrons, after baryogenesis. 太初核合成开始于大霹雳开始之后的一秒钟,当宇宙降温至足以形成稳定的氢核和中子的重子产生过程之后。
- This paradox led to Einstein's special theory of RELATIVITY, a cosmological theory of major significance. 这自相矛盾的论点导致了爱因斯坦的特殊相对论、主要意义的宇宙哲学理论产生。
- The discovery and consequent detailed observations of GRB afterglows strongly support the cosmological origin. 余辉的发现和随后的深入观测证实伽玛射线暴产生于宇宙学距离上。