- We have evolved a new cosmogony of literature, Boris and I. 我们,我和鲍里斯,开创了一种新生宇宙文学观。
- Therefore,the basic pattern of cosmism had been established. 于此,中国哲学的宇宙发生论基本模式便奠定了。
- A single blow of the lion's paw and his cosmogony is smashed. 狮子举起爪子扇一下,他的世界便被打得粉碎。
- A single blow of the lion's paw and his cosmogony is smaITd. 狮子举起爪子扇一下,他的世纪便被打得粉碎。
- We are surely not unmindful of our debt to the great classical figures of cosmogony. 我们无疑不会忘记我们从天体演化学经典大师们那里得到的教益。
- This paper argues that Stoic cosmogony is physicist's physics,not mathematician's physics. 本文认为斯多亚学派的宇宙论属于物理学家的物理学,而不是数学家的物理学。
- This attempt is argued to be specific to the tradition of syncretistic cosmogony identified. 可以说,这种企图对整体宇宙起源说的传统而言是不寻常的。
- Laozi's magnum opus , the Daodejing , is one of the most significant treatises in Chinese cosmogony . 老子的大作品 ,在Daodejing ,是其中一项最重要的论文中宇宙 。
- Cosmic Rays linked with the cosmogony, the evolution of stars, the matter distribution in space and the high energy physics processes in the cosmic environment. 宇宙射线联系于宇宙的形成、天体的演化、空间的环境和宇观环境中的高能物理过程。
- Abstract:In LaoZi's Dao theory,It discusses about the cosmism the theory about thing's nature and form and value,which are discussed together . 在老子的道论中,是把这三个问题合在一起加以探讨。
- Laozi's thoughts involve cosmism, ontology, philosophy and political science."Tao", as the core of Laozi's thoughts, has cosmogenetic and ontological meanings. 老子思想涉及宇宙论、本体论、人生论和政治学,“道”是贯穿其中的主线。
- The mystical school of Joseph de Maistre, which at that epoch seasoned with lofty cosmogony those things which were called the ultra newspapers, would not have failed to declare that Javert was a symbol. 当时以高深的宇宙演化论点缀各种所谓极端派报刊的梅斯特尔玄学派,一定会说沙威是一个象征性的人物。
- Analysis of the Theory of Cosmogony in Han Dynasty 试析汉代的宇宙生成论
- We are surely not unmindful of our debt to the great classical figures of cosmogony 我们无疑不会忘记我们从天体演化学经典大师们那里得到的教益。
- ] or cosmogony is any doctrine or theory concerning the coming into existence or origin of the universe or [[cosmos]]. ]或宇宙进化论是一切关于宇宙或[[太空]]的存在和起源的教条与学说.
- 7.Cosmic Rays linked with the cosmogony, the evolution of stars, the matter distribution in space and the high energy physics processes in the cosmic environment. 宇宙射线联系于宇宙的形成、天体的演化、空间的环境和宇观环境中的高能物理过程。
- " "The divergence of the reason from the one" shows the universality of the cosmism of the subject of the supreme ultimate and its domination of the world. 而“理一分殊”则主要表现了太极本体之宇宙论规模的遍在性及其天地万物的统摄性;
- planetary cosmogony 行星演化学
- theory of cosmogony 宇宙生成论
- cosmism n. 宇宙论