- He's such a, snotty-nosed little wimp. 他是个高傲而懦弱的人。
- The more she called her husband a wimp, the more timid he became. 她越叫她先生懦夫,他就越胆小怯懦。
- He's such a,snotty-nosed little wimp. 他是个高傲而懦弱的人.
- Do not be a wimp!/Do not be a go-for-nothing! 别像个窝囊废!
- Traditionally, I'm the wimp of the cast. 我可是剧组传说中有名的娇气。
- If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp. 如果你完全赞同她的话,那你真无能。
- I sound like a wimp saying this to you guys. 和你们说这些,听起来好像我在撒娇,是吧。
- Stop being a wimp Owl and take my playing like a man! 别胆怯了白枭,认真对待我的演奏!
- The more she call her husband a wimp,the more timid he become. 她越叫她先生懦夫,他就越胆小怯懦。
- The more she calls her husband a wimp,the more timid he becomes. 她越叫她先生懦夫,他就越胆小怯懦。
- M: I was not! You were a wimp when you crashed your bicycle. Y. 上星期你去捐血,针还没有碰到你,你就哇哇大叫,你不是wimp是什么?
- Eddie: You know, I never thought Siever would wimp out like that. 艾迪:我没料到西弗会这么窝囊。
- Mike: Yeah, and if you didn't do it you were a wimp. 迈克:对,谁要不吸谁就是土老冒。
- If a woman cries, she's sensitive; if a man cries, he's a wimp. 如果女人哭,她是感情丰富;如果男人哭,他是个懦夫。
- Helen: Well, I am going. You can be a 4)wimp and stay at home! 海伦:好,我要走了。你可以当个胆小鬼待在家里!
- My problem was that I was an anger wimp and didn't follow through. 我的问题是,我是个爱生气的懦弱的人,而且不能坚持到底。
- Kim: No. It's my baby. If you could feel him kick me, you'd know he's no wimp! 阿金:不。是我的宝宝。如果你了解我被他踢的感觉,就会知道他不是软脚虾!
- I am a complete wimp when it comes to practicing my Chinese with strangers. 我是一个完全弱者当与陌生人练习我的汉语时。
- Koffing: That little wimp that was pacing around...had something good, right? 瓦斯弹:刚才在这儿转悠的那个小鬼...好像揣着什么好东西对吧?
- The Male who doesn't abide by The Rules, can't take the heat, lacks a backbone, and is a wimp. 他若不遵守以上规则的话,就被认为不能承担责任,缺乏主见且是一个懦夫。