- Comment on Public Authority of Country in Corporation Law Ken 论公司法视野中的国家公权力
- corporation law ken 公司法视野
- See also Franklin A.Gevurtz, Corporation Law, ibid, P220. 这也是特许主义理论的产物。
- Kung Ssu Fa Yuan Lun [CORPORATION LAW](3d ed. San Min Book Co., Ltd 2006). (廖大颖,公司法原论,修订三版,三民书局,2006年。)
- Handles matters of corporate law. 处理公司法的事物
- Handlehandles matters of corporate law. 处理公司法的事物。
- The Corporations Law is divided into nine chapters. 公司法分为九章。
- The corporation laws of each states are similar but not identical. 美国没有单一法典或法规规制商务企业法。
- WANG, WEN-YEU, Kung Ssu Fa Lun [CORPORATION LAW](2d ed. Angle Publishing Co., Ltd. 2005). (王文宇,公司法论,二版,元照出版有限公司,2005年。)
- The former Corporation Law can't supervise it effectively, and new Corporation Law, put in practice by Jan. 1. 2006, will strengthen supervision to it. 我国原公司法对内部人控制监管不力,2006年1月1日实施的新公司法加强了对内部人控制的监管。
- LIU, LIEN-YU, eds., Hsien Tai Kung Ssu Fa Chih Hsin Ko Ti [NEW TOPICS OF MODERN CORPORATION LAW] (Angle publishing Co., Ltd. 2005) . (刘连煜主编,现代公司法制之新课题,初版,元照出版有限公司,2005年。)
- Abstract: Chinese Corporation Law has validated the legal person status Of one-man companies and set up the regulations for such companies. 摘 要: 我国公司法确认了一人公司的法人地位,并时其进行了专门的规范。
- The Corporations Law imposes reporting obligations on companies. 公司法强制公司的报告义务。
- Arbitration law, international business law (international trade, investment and financial settlement), contract law, corporation law, real estate and contracting of project. 国际商法(国际贸易、投资与金融结算)、仲裁法、合同法、公司法、房地产与工程承包。
- In the process of reform, according the form that modern corporation law guides, our law firm's system predominately researches the management with corporation system. 我国律师事务所组织正处在改制的关键时期,绝大多数律师事务所按照现代公司法原则的指引,正在探索依照公司制进行治理的途径。
- The lawmaking of Mainland China's Corporation Law may reference from Taiwan's lawmaking experience and to establish that system to suit for the corporation's practice in mainland. 我国公司立法可以借鉴我国台湾地区法人董事制度的立法经验,建立适合我国公司实践的法人董事制度。
- Eisenberg , The Structure of Corporate Law, 89 Colum. L. Rev. 1463 (1989) . 关键词:公司,股东,规则,公司法,管理层,合同,基本,原则,当事人
- Daniel R.Fischel,The Appraisal Remedy in Corporate Law[M].1983 A.B.F.Res.J. 美国法律研究院.;公司治理原则:分析与建议[M]楼建波;等译
- This article analyses exist value,the defects and the contradictory between corporation law and contract law in the doctrine of ultra vires.It also submits suggestion on how to correct t... 弱化公司越权原则 ,加强对交易安全的保护 ,已成为公司立法的潮流。
- WriteZhu('9');Phillip L.Blumberg, Limited Liability and Corporate Groups, journal of corporation law, summer, 1986, P577. 台湾政治大学企管研究所:“台湾区关系企业经营现状与立法管理之探讨”,1980年1月版,第20页。