- And for China the more and more important problem is that the management of investment and risk management of the corporation annuity. 文章在前人研究的基础上,采用规范分析法和归纳演绎法对企业年金基金投资管理和投资风险管理这两个方面进行分析研究。
- The necessity of government regulations raise from the market inefficiency in the management of corporate annuity. 摘要企业年金的市场化运作中存在市场失灵,从而使得政府监管成为一种必需。
- Even in this year's unilateral market slump, corporate annuity return on investment is often better than the market. 即使在今年这样的单边暴跌市场中,企业年金的投资收益也往往好于大盘。
- On Issues Concerning Corporation Annuity Investing Private Equity 企业年金投资私募股权基金问题分析
- Our corporation was formed in 1994. 我们的公司成立于1994年。
- West Coast Corps is a large corporation. 西海岸公司是个大型公司。
- A large, impersonal corporation. 一个没有人情味的大公司
- It takes brains to administer a large corporation. 管理大公司要有头脑。
- He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。
- The corporation is rather awkwardly situated. 公司处境相当尴尬。
- My corporation banks with the Citicorp. 敝公司与花旗银行有往来。
- That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story. 那家大公司企图贿赂新闻界把这篇报道压下来。
- An annuity payable indefinitely. 终身年金无期限地可获得的年金或养老金
- To buy or to take out on annuity. 购买养老金或领取年退休金。
- corporation annuity 企业年金
- The law enables us to receive an annuity. 法律授予我们领取年金的权利。
- He lives on his annuity after retirement. 他退休后靠年金维生。
- Several new members have come into this corporation. 这个公司又有新人员加入。
- To buy or to take out on annuity . 购买养老金或领取年退休金。
- The corporation's bottom line is a good profit margin. 公司的基本要求是好的利润。