- "No explanation needed!"snapped the Officer."I'm going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back. 警察说:"甭说了;我先把你抓到监牢里;等警长回来再说.
- Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧。
- If you can pass the exam, you'd kick up your heels. 你若能考试及格,你会欣喜若狂的。
- " " Just be quiet," stopped the officer, "I am going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back. “安静,”警官打断他说:“我要让你在拘留所等着直到警长回来。”
- Stop drumming on the floor with your heels. 停止用你的鞋跟咚咚地踩踏地板。
- You may keep your breath to cool your porridge. 你别多管人家闲事好了。
- If you can pass the exam,you'd kick up your heels. 你若能考试及格,你会欣喜若狂的。
- This is no time for sitting back on your heels! 你没有时间懒惰了。
- Cool your temper, cool yourself! 请镇定你的怒气,请镇定!
- Quit dragging your heels and hurry! 别磨蹭了,快点儿!
- Don't let flies stick to your heels. [口]赶快,别磨蹭。
- Save your breath to cool your porridge. 不要白费口舌了。
- Modification: Lift your heels up as you squat. 改良:抬起脚跟,在蹲下的时候。
- Your heel seems to have healed very well. 你的足跟看来已经愈合得很好了。
- Beware of your heel of Achilles, my friend! 朋友,你要提防你那唯一的弱点啊!
- No matter how cool your interface is, less of it would be better. 不论你的界面多酷,越少越好。
- B: Cool your jets! The preview will be ten minutes long. 别那么急!会有十分钟的电影预告片。
- B: Cool your eyes! The preview will be ten minutes long. 别那么急!会有十分钟的电影预告片。
- Lift your heels as high as possible, one foot at a time. 脚跟尽量抬起,每次一只脚。
- cool your heels vi. 久候(空等;坐冷板凳)