- While conducting night convoy operations using blackout drive lights. 在进行夜间护送作业时将车灯熄灭。
- Warships will accompany the convoy. 军舰将护送船队。
- The supply ships travelled in convoy. 补给船结队航行。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- The convoy was attacked by submarines. 被护送的船队受到了潜水艇的攻击。
- The supply ships sailed under convoy. 补给船在护送之下航行。
- Parents convoy the children in turns to school. 家长们轮流护送孩子们去学校。
- The field of operations has been staked out. 军事演习的区域已经划定。
- The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。
- Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast. 当护航队接近海岸时,两架战斗机飞近示警。
- He continued his operations in cotton futures. 他继续进行棉花期货交易。
- We decided to travel in convoy for safety. 我们决定结队而行以求安全。
- A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。
- The convoy was stranded in the desert. 使团在沙漠中陷入了困境
- Destroyers escorted a convoy of merchant ships. 驱逐舰护送一支商船队。
- The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia. 这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。
- I'm told it has improved convoy morale. 我听说这件事已经增强了运输队的士气。
- Warships will accompany the convoy . 军舰将护送船队.
- We drove to the front in a convoy of jeeps. 大家分乘几辆吉普车开往前线。