- Different kind of mutual crime has different conviction and punishment rule. 不同类型的对向犯的定罪处刑原则不一。
- The forth chapter discussed how to realize the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency in judicature based on discussion embodiment in conviction and punishment. 第三章从定罪和量刑上的体现来论述宽严相济刑事政策的司法实现。
- the standard of conviction and punishment 定罪量刑标准
- Judges administer justice and punishment. 法官执行审判和量刑。
- A convict and a woman of the town. 牵涉到一个苦役犯和一个娼妇。
- Crime and punishment grow out of one stem. 罪与罚本是同茎生。
- On Conviction and Punishment of the Crime of Theft, Traffic and leak of Credit Card Information 论窃取、收买、非法提供他人信用卡信息资料罪的认定及处罚
- His aim was to attack Persia and punish the king. 他的目的是攻打波斯惩罚波斯王。
- And the elders shall take the man and punish him. 本城的长老要拿住那人,惩治他
- Malefactors will be pursued and punished. 作恶的人要予以究治。
- Judges administer justice and punishment . 法官执行审判和量刑。
- Criminal policy is the base of the conviction and sentence. 刑事政策是定罪科刑的基础。
- If a criminal is convicted and punished, then the judgment on the criminal culpability becomes a crucial premise. 那么,如果对一个犯罪人判刑,使其接受惩罚,对于犯罪人的归责与可谴责性的判断就是一个关键的前提。
- "We can all plague and punish one another. “彼此都可以罚来罚去,折磨来折磨去。
- The latter is more important on the conviction and sentence. 刑法适用解释对定罪量刑有着更加现实和重要的意义。
- They are common in control and punishment. 它们的共同点是控制和处罚.
- Justice and punishment are the same thing toher. 正义,正当,公平,正确,司法,审判,欣赏
- Those using force or coercion to obstruct workers of state organs from rescuing bought women or children are to be convicted and punished according to article 277 of this law. 以暴力、威胁方法阻碍国家机关工作人员解救被收买的妇女、儿童的,依照本法第二百七十七条的规定定罪处罚
- Justice and punishment are the same thing to her. 正义,正当,公平,正确,司法,审判,欣赏
- There were three convictions and two acquittals in court today. 今日法庭宣判三人有罪,两人无罪。