- contour and texture analysis 轮廓和纹理分析
- Effects of exogenous lipase added to domestic wheat bread flour was studied on rheology test、bread-makingexperiments and texture analysis. 通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验和面包芯质构测试,探讨了脂肪酶对国产麦面包粉品质的影响。
- Effects of exogenous pentosanase on domestic wheat bread flour was studied by rheological test, bread-makingexperiments and texture analysis. 通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验和面包芯质构测试,探讨了戊聚糖酶对国产小麦面包粉品质的影响。
- Contour and overall size see Fig.2 And table 2. 外形和外形尺寸见图2和表2。
- Dam Image Segmentation Based on Edge Detection and Texture Analysis 一种基于边缘检测及纹理分析的水坝图像分割算法
- Each cookie was uniform in both taste and texture. 每片饼干在口味及外观上都是一致的。
- Evens and enhances skin clarity, tone and texture. 文思和增强皮肤清晰,语调和纹理。
- The range of colour, pattern and texture is wide enough to suit every one's needs and taste. 颜色、图案及质地的多样化足以使每一个人的需求和审美要求得到满足。
- Each variety of melon has its individual flavor and texture. 每一种不同的瓜都有自己独特的味道和品质
- The design is an elaboration on the recognizable contour and scale of a house. 该方案对醒目的建筑外轮廓和尺度进行了精心设计。
- ODF texture analysis result is consistent with the mealsured one. ODF织构分析结果与检测结果是一致的。
- Finally,the trends in surface texture analysis are suggested. 最后指出了表面特征分析的发展趋势。
- The designer's aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture. 设计者的目标是要使外观与材料的特性两者统一起来.
- The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture. 这两种奶酪的味道和口感大不相同。
- By assuming the shape and texture of ripe termite eggs. 秘诀就是伪装出成熟白蚁卵的形状和质感。
- Effects of Soybean on the yield and texture of Tofu are reviewed. 综述国内外有关大豆原料对豆腐得率和质构影响的研究。
- Shadows at sunset are very long, and texture is very apparent. 在傍晚的阴影非常长,并且质地非常明显。
- Nu metal music emphasizes mood, rhythm, and texture over melody. 新金属注重情感,节奏韵律,和旋律织体。
- Water is also used as a coolant for rolling- mill roll to maintain their contour and lengthen their service life. 热轧机的轧辊也需用冷却水来保持轧辊的外形和延长它的使用寿命。
- Water is also used as a coolant for rolling - mill roll to maintain there contour and lengthen their service life. 热轧机的轧辊也需用冷却水来保持轧辊的外形和延长它的使用寿命。