- Are your with him or against him on this issue? 在这个问题上你是赞同还是反对他?
- content your with vt. 满足
- Let our staff inspire your with how our maritime past has shaped life today. 让我们的员工们启示您,过去的沿海生活如何塑造今日。
- Please use yours with consideration for others. 请你在使用时也为他人着想。
- Instead worry about how much content your competitors developed while you were dwelling on your meta keywords. 也能源源不断的从客户那赚取利润,使公司长期稳定的发展。
- You should be well content with your daughter. 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。
- I left my textbook at home. Will you please share yours with me? 我把课本忘在家里了。我能跟你看一本吗?
- If the people youre with have to smoke, ask them to smoke before you set off. 倘若和您同行的人忍不住要吸烟的话,请他们在您开车前先吸烟。
- Are you content with your present salary? 你对你现在的薪水满意吗?
- Plefe use yours withe consideration forthers. 请在你使用时,也为别人著想。
- He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。
- The next time you visit us, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction. 下次到方前,烦请赐知,以能安排与本公司董事会共进午餐。
- Make sure your With block is initialized by executing the With statement entry point. 确保通过执行With语句入口点对With块进行初始化。
- Personally, I am quite content with Scotland. 就我个人而言,我对苏格兰挺满意。
- If go time really take place like this matter, I want your with great difficulty cachet rise character can run out! 如果到时候真的发生了这样子的事情,我想你的好不容易封印起来的个性会跑出来吧!
- Don't be content with your little success. 你不要满足于小小的成就。
- Are you content with your present job? 你对你现在的工作满意吗?
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- You content with your present salary? 你对现在的薪水满意吗?
- If you want to share something of yours with other users on the net, you have to upload it. 如果你想让网上的其他用户分享你的资料的话,你必须上传它。