- construction work testation 工程签证
- Can you cost out this construction work? 你能估计这项工程的成本吗?
- How did the construction work bog down? 建筑工程怎样会停下来的?
- Heavy snow hindered the construction work. 大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。
- Heavy snow hindered construction work. 大雪阻碍了建筑工程的进展。
- The road construction work is in progress. 筑路工程正在进行中。
- How did the construction work bog down ? 建筑工程怎样会停下来的?
- Snow hindered the construction work. 大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。
- Construction work ahead on your left. 注意左前面有施工。
- Construction work on east side of the aerodrome. 机场东面有施工。
- Construction work on two pilot projects is in progress. 目前有两项混合发展试验计划正在施工。
- Ve been doing construction work, and it's been a busy season. 我在从事建筑工作,现在正是旺季。
- Perform engineering, procurement and construction work. 完成工程,采购和建造项目。
- Single and living near Detroit, Sommers now does construction work. 仍旧单身,住在底特律附近的森莫思,现在是建筑工人。
- The noise of the construction work went on for days without cease. 施工工地的噪声不间断地持续了很多天。
- Let's not be onlookers of the social and moral construction work. 在社会道德建设中,我们都不要当看客。
- The kind of construction work a beaver specializes in is truly amazing. 河狸专门从事的那种建筑工作确实令人震惊。
- We can ponder over the ways and means before the construction work starts. 我们可以在建筑工程开工之前考虑各种筹款集资措施。
- Despite spo-radic construction work, Evans has seen his income reduced by half. 当工厂八月在一场劳资纠纷后关门,他最近吐苦水说他很震惊和觉得被出卖。
- He began to be engaged in construction work since graduating from college. 毕业后,他就一直从事务工行业。