- construction scale of projects 工程建设规模
- The construction scale of the project is 300 tons per iso-octyl palmitate equipments and attached settlements. 建设规模及产品方案:该项目建设规模为300吨/年 法生产棕榈酸异辛酯的生产装置及辅助配套设施。
- The construction scale of methane chloridate is 80,000 ton/year. 本项目确定甲烷氯化物装置建设规模为8万吨/年。
- The market prospect is great.The construction scale of methane chloridate is 80,000 ton/year. 本项目确定甲烷氯化物装置建设规模为8万吨/年。
- In 2010,the construction scale of 1000kV AC UHV transmission lines will be 4200km,the transmission capacity will be 39 million kVA. 计划到2010年,1000千伏交流特高压输电线路建设规模达4200千米、变电容量达3900万千伏安。
- Geological position and construction scale of Dayaowan Port Area,espe-cially characteristics of general layout of the port area are mainly introdu-ced. 主要介绍大窑湾港区的地理位置、建设规模,并重点论述了港区总平面布置的特点。
- To judge by the scale of projects so far, the new investors seem to be pinning their hopes on creating technologically sophisticated large farms. 从目前这些项目的规模来判断,新来的投资者们似乎寄希望于建立拥有先进技术的大型农场。
- Scope of business, main products and production scale of project organizer manufacture, sales and related sevices of CBN and superhard materials. 电子邮件系列制品、超硬材料制品、用品的生产、加工、销售和相关技术服务。
- It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe. 很难想像宇宙有多大。
- Premium of project construction insurance. 工程建设保险的保险费。
- This map is drawn to a scale of 1 inch to 50 miles. 这幅地图是以一英寸代表五十英里的比例绘制的。
- Then the scale of MPPSP solution space is analyzed and the conclusion that with the increase of the number of project activities the solution space augments in an exponential manner is obtained. 随后对问题的解空间规模进行了分析,推断出解空间规模随项目活动数的增加呈指数形式增长的结论;
- Scope of business, main products and production scale of project organizer:Business scope:manufacturing, production and selling of medical treatment apparatus and health protection deli. 项目单位经营范围、主要产品和生产规模:经营范围:医疗器械,特谱治疗仪保健品,多力1+1多力甘露胶囊
- The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12. 风力是按0-12级标准等级测量的。
- The State adopts the system of project construction supervision. 第三十条国家推行建筑工程监理制度。
- Completion of projects on time and within budget. 按时按预算完成项目的程度。
- Scale of Project It covers an area of 400 mu 合作方式:合作开发项目规模:占地400亩
- What percentage of projects come in on-budget? 多少百分比的专案是在预算之内完成的?
- This map is draw to a scale of 1 inch to 50 miles. 这幅地图是以一英寸代表五十英里的比例绘制的。
- What percentage of projects complete? 专案完成多少百分比?