- bridge construction control survey 桥梁控制测量
- Optimum Design of Construction Control Survey Network in Bridging of River 施工控制网在河道桥梁架设中的优化设计
- Method of Construction Control Survey of Curve Bridge and Overhead Road 曲线桥梁和高架路施工控制测量方法
- construction control survey 施工控制测量
- A construction control system is a very important fundamental project of large hydro projects, and crucial to construction survey. 施工控制网是大型水利水电工程的一项很重要的基础性工程,是施工测量的关键。
- GPS is widely used in the project control survey at present. GPS当前被广泛地应用于工程控制测量中。
- This construction control mode is beneficial to the settlements control in each step. 建立的分步控制沉降的施工控制模式,有利于控制每一步序沉降值;
- In bridge engineering survey, the linear intersection and independent geodic quadrilateral network are often used for control survey. 在桥梁工程测量中,经常采用测边交会和大地四边形独立网进行控制测量。
- In this paper, the construction control of the embankment of Contract No. 31 of Qinghai-Tibet Railway is described. 介绍青藏铁路第31标段加筋土挡土墙工程路基的施工控制内容。
- Along with the augment of bridge span, construction control became more vital and attentional. 随着桥梁跨度的增大,施工控制问题也日益成为设计和施工中的关键而备受关注。
- Taking the control survey of S1-S17 anchorage basin of Guangzhou Port as an example, this paper introduces the application of GPS for plane control survey. ? 以广州港Sl-S17锚地控制测量为例,介绍静态GPS定位在平面控制测量中的应用。
- The article introduces the technical gist of the construction control of the fish-bellied concrete continuous box beam. 该文介绍了鱼腹式混凝土连续箱梁的施工控制技术要点。
- Abstract : Construction control of auxiliary channel continuous girder bridges of Donghai Bridge is briefly introduced. 摘要: 对东海大桥辅通航孔连续梁桥的施工控制作了简要介绍。
- How to carry out control survey rapidly and effectively in a new or data confused gold mining area is an important problem for gold geological surveyors to resolve. 到一个新的金矿区或者各种资料比较混乱的金矿区如何理顺思路并在短时间内迅速有效地开展控制测量工作,是黄金地质测量工作者要着重解决的问题。
- How to reduce effection of errors in construction process, it is problem that construction control would be studied. 如何在施工过程中减小甚至消除这些误差影响,是施工控制所要研究的问题。
- Construction control of auxiliary channel continuous girder bridges of Donghai Bridge is briefly introduced. 对东海大桥辅通航孔连续梁桥的施工控制作了简要介绍。
- control survey of bridge construction 桥梁控制测量
- Once more, introduces the effection of the information technology in the construction control, and the necessarity of using the information technology. 再次,介绍信息技术在施工管理方面的作用,运用信息技术的必要性。
- This article uses it on construction control for long-span continual bridge of concrete to predicate the pre-arch of bridge. 文章采用神经网络方法用于大跨度混凝土连续桥梁施工控制中的预拱度进行预测。
- We had a successful attempt in the study of Prestressing Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge"s construction control skills. 在预应力混凝土连续刚构桥施工控制技术研究方面,进行了一种成功的尝试。