- What if the issue of monarchy is decided through a constituent assembly? 通过制宪会议来解决君主制的问题如何?
- The referendum will decide the fate of monarchy and the constituent assembly elections the restructuring of the state. 公民投票将决定皇室的命运,而制宪会议选举决定国家重建。
- Both sides agree to get the United Nations supervise the election to the Constituent Assembly. 双方同意由联合国对立宪会议选举进行监督。
- That means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly? 那意味着管理武器和军队将不会成为制宪会议的障碍?
- We have also stressed on quickly going for constituent assembly elections jointly. 我们还要尽快共同举行制宪会议选举。
- Feigenbaum said the U.S. regards the April 10th Constituent Assembly elections as a watershed event in Nepal's history. 费根鲍姆说,美国认为尼泊尔在4月10号举行的制宪会议选举是尼泊尔历史上的分水岭。
- The then Prime Minister Deuba was not in a position to do anything on the issue of constituent assembly. 可是当时的总理德乌帕却在制宪会议方面什么也没做。
- Elections should then follow for a constituent assembly which would draft a constitution. 接下来应举行国民代表大会选举,他们将起草宪法。
- Q. That means the management of arms and armies will not be a stumbling block on the way to a constituent assembly? 那意味着管理武器和军队将不会成为制宪会议的障碍?
- East Timor officially elected a Constituent Assembly on August 30 last year and passed the first constitution for the country in March this year. 去年8月30日,东帝汶正式选举产生了制宪议会,并在今年3月通过了这个国家的第一部宪法。
- Some say that you will return to the jungle again if the constituent assembly elections are not as per your expectations? 有人说,如果制宪会议选举不象你们期待的那样,你们会再次回到丛林。
- They insist that Mr Zelaya violated the constitution by trying to convoke a constituent assembly which they fear might have prolonged his term. 政变分子们宣称,塞拉亚企图举行修宪公投的行径违反了宪法(修宪可延长拉塞亚的任期,这正是反对派不愿看到的)。
- Those leftists, holding a slim majority in the two years' existence of the National Constituent Assembly, did a remarkable job. 那些左派人士,在成为国民制宪大会上微弱多数派的两年中,他们的工资非常出色。
- Maoist chairman Prachanda has warned that his party will lead a mass revolt if the constituent assembly polls are disrupted by any force. 尼共(毛)主席普拉昌达警告:如果立宪会议选举受到任何力量的破坏,他们党将发动人民起义。
- Let me tell you one thing, our talks team was in Kathmandu during the first round of talks.We were raising the issue of constituent assembly. 让我给你讲件事,我们的和谈小组在加德满都进行第一轮和谈时,我们提出制宪会议的问题。
- His supporters won a majority in a Constituent Assembly, but have met stubborn resistance from a well-organised opposition. 他的支持者在宪法会议里获得了多数,但却遇到了反对派精心组织的顽强抵抗。
- The Constituent Assembly was established in Katmandu Tuesday, when local media reported King Gyanendra's motorcade left the Narayanhiti Royal Palace. 根据原定议程,制宪会议28日将废除君主制,宣布尼泊尔成为"联邦民主共和国"。有媒体称,国王贾南德拉的车队27日离开了纳拉扬希蒂王宫。
- To decide the issue of whether or not to retain the monarchy by simple majority in the first meeting of constituent assembly. 是否要保留君主制的问题要在立宪会议第一次会议中以简单多数的方式解决。
- He was elected president of the constituent assembly that opened in Petrograd on January 18, 1918, but was dispersed the next day by the Bolsheviks. 1918年在彼得格勒召开立宪会议时,他当选为主席,但第二天这个会议就被布尔什维克解散。
- In the first place, we don't think that the Nepali people will not support our forward-looking agenda in the constituent assembly elections. 首先,我们不认为尼泊尔人民不会支持我们在制宪会议选举中的远景计划。