- constant moistened sample 恒湿样本
- You notice your tears most after a good cry or while slicing an onion, but actually your eyes are constantly moistened by a thin film of tears. 切洋葱或者痛哭之后你会注意到你的眼睛充满泪水,但事实上,你眼睛里的泪薄膜可是常常保持湿润这种状态。
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw. 她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。
- His eyes moistened (with tears). 他的眼睛(给泪水)润湿了。
- She moistened her lips with her tongue. 她舔湿了嘴唇。
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。
- I was infuriated by/with their constant criticism. 他们没完没了地批评把我给气坏了。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- What I need is nothing but a sample. 我需要的不过是一件样品而已。
- She feels wearisome by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的嘈杂声。
- She matured her novel by constant revision. 她不断修改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。
- She yelled at him about his constant drunkenness. 她大嚷大叫说他总是烂醉如泥。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。
- I've had enough of your constant chatter. 我已经听够你那没完没了的唠叨话。
- She was wearied by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的噪杂声。
- Moisten the cloth slightly before applying the lotion. 先把布稍弄潮湿再使用此溶液。
- Salaries are kept under constant review. 薪金问题要一直不断审订。
- Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight. 航空寄上订正价格表,全套样品两周内寄出。
- His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill. 他不断要求我们帮助他,过分利用了我们对他的好意。