- He had a high fever which nearly finished him off. 他发了一次高烧,差点把命送了。
- His death was caused by a high fever. 他的死亡是由高烧引起的。
- Her illness started with a high fever. 她的病开始时是发高烧。
- constant high fever 持续性高烧
- Mike was thrashing about in bed with a high fever. 迈克发高烧,在床上翻来覆去不安稳。
- He thrashed about in bed with a high fever. 他因为高烧,在床上辗转反侧。
- High fever racked his whole body. 发高烧使他浑身难受。
- Has a high fever that worries the doctor. 发起让医生忧心忡忡的高烧
- He keeled over from a high fever. 他因发高烧而昏倒了。
- I lost my appetite when I had the high fever. 我发烧时一点胃口都没有。
- Mother has been laid low by a high fever. 母亲因发高烧而一直卧着。
- A high fever often accompanies a mild infection. 轻微的炎症常常伴有高烧。
- The doctor finds that Jack had a high fever. 医生发现杰克发高烧。
- She had a high fever for several days and it didn't seem to be letting up. 她发高烧已经好几天了,而且毫无减退的样子
- His high fever attested to his illness. 他发高烧证明他病了。
- He raved himself to sleep [into a high fever]. 他咆哮至疲倦睡着 [发高烧] 。
- The child was affected with high fever. 孩子发高烧了。
- I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. 高烧,感觉糟透了。
- I've had a high fever since last night. 男:昨天晚上我发高烧了。
- So would you if you had a high fever. 如果你发高烧,你也如此。