- consanguineus frater [法] 同父异母兄弟
- Michael Frater of Jamaica was second in 10.03, followed by Jaysuma Saidy Ndure of Norway in 10.10. 另一名牙买加选手以10秒03的成绩获得亚军,紧跟其后的是一名挪威选手,他的成绩是10秒10。
- They even had a third string to their bow in Michael Frater who along with two Trinidadians, two Americans and the man from Netherlands Dutch Antilles completed the field. 与他们在一起的还有同胞弗雷特、两个特立尼达和多巴哥选手,两个美国人,还有一个荷属安的列斯来的小伙。
- In the final, Powell won in 9.78 - with no tail wind. Michael Frater of Jamaica was second in 10.03, followed by Jaysuma Saidy Ndure of Norway in 10.10. 决赛中,鲍威尔以9秒78获得冠军-当时没有顺风。另一名牙买加选手以10秒03的成绩获得亚军,紧跟其后的是一名挪威选手,他的成绩是10秒10。
- Zussa C.Polesel E.Col U D.Galloni M;Valfre C;Frater R W M Seven-year experience with chordae replacement with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene in floppy mitral valve 1994 龚光甫.;胡建国
- consanguineus [法] 血亲
- frater n. 兄弟;会友
- Ctenomys frater n. 仲栉鼠
- Myotis frater n. 福建鼠耳蝠
- frater house 大食堂
- Caloneis frater n. 弗拉美壁藻
- frater uterinus [法] 同母异父兄弟