- conjunctive symbiosis 连接共生
- How are the conjunctive words structured? 摘要关联词语中以连词居多。
- And and moreover are conjunctive. and和moreover是联系句子成分的意义和结构的。
- There is a symbiosis between large and small. 大公司和小公司可以共存。
- The new &metacharacter separates conjunctive terms. 新的&元字符分割连接关系。
- The two clauses have a conjunctive kai in between. 另一方面,有了圣灵的感动,却不去行,我们就得当心了。
- The song that almost reaches the sound of symbiosis. 一首几乎达到完美和谐的歌曲。
- Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community. (种间)相互作用出现在群落中的相互作用和效应,例如共生现象
- A type of symbiosis, as among certain ants, in which one species is dominant and makes the members of another species perform the tasks required for their mutual survival. 共生(现象), 役生现象一种共生(现象), 如某些蚂蚁,在这种现象中,一个种处于支配地位,并使得别的种的成员承担他们共同生存所需完成的任务
- In the refutation tree of predicate calculus, the proved conjunctive formula. 在谓词演算的反驳树中,被证明的合式公式。
- Cooperation method: individual investment, joint venture or symbiosis. 合作方式:独资、合资、合作。
- Symbiosis of human love, and the world at the moment is the same in China. 人类大爱共生,世界此刻正与中国同在。
- Music nursing was the conjunctive product of music, psychology and nursing. 摘要音乐护理是音乐、心理学、护理学结合的产物。
- Threesomes can meld into an emergent, coevolutionarily wired symbiosis. 三个一组也可合并涌现成一个以共同进化方式连接的共生系统。
- An eerie symbiosis of human and machine effort is also starting to evolve. 一种怪诞可怕的人机共生现象也已开始出现。
- The parties in a symbiosis don't have to be symmetrical or even at parity. 共生关系中的各方行为不必对称或对等。
- Anatomical observation of the conjunct region between esophagus and stomach. 成人食管胃连接部的解剖学观测。
- There is no other team with the privilege to have such a deep symbiosis with a football genius. 从没有任何一个球队与一个足球天才保持着如此深的特殊依附关系。
- These types of conjunctive words can be summarized into three types: juxtaposing, attaching, and condensing. 这类连词可分为并列式、附加式、压缩式三种。
- A connective word, especially a conjunction or conjunctive adverb. 连接词,尤指连接词或连接副词