- Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 职业拳击不是一碗好吃的饭。
- The machine rests on a bed of concrete. 机器安装在混凝土基座上。
- The statue rests on a bed of concrete. 这座雕像立在混凝土的基座上。
- Marriage is not always a bed of roses. 婚姻并不总是称心如意的。
- For the last few months, he has been on a bed of thorns. 近几个月他一直烦虑不安,如坐针毡。
- One of the two main types of aquifer is the unconfined aquifer. 非承压含水层是两种主要含水层之一。
- At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns. 无论在哪一个历史时期,感到生活是一种煎熬的总是失业者。
- I felt that I should explain to them that life here is not a bed of roses. 我觉得我应该向他们解释清楚:这里的生活不是甜甜蜜蜜的。
- She is brought to bed of yet another baby. 她又生了一个小孩。
- The grass is interspersed with beds of flowers. 草地上点缀着一个个花坛。
- The grouting reconstruction technique of lower confining bed can be used to control the water hazard from coal floor. 摘要煤层底板含水层注浆改造技术可以彻底根治底板水害。
- Life in Tokyo is far from a bed of roses. 在东京生活决不是生活在温柔富贵乡。
- His wife was brought to bed of a son yesterday. 他的妻子昨天生了个儿子。
- These glaciers are beds of solid ice. 这些冰河由一层层坚冰形成。
- A coal miner's work is not a bed of roses. 煤矿工人的活计可不轻松。
- He has a good job, but with three children his life is not a bed of roses. 他有一份很好的工作,但要负担3个孩子,他的日子并不好过。
- The hydrogeologic condition of Danhou mine is complex, and the sublevel coal is threatened by O.L.water.It is very difficult that thin confining bed coal is mined under pressure. 单侯矿井水文地质条件比较复杂,下部煤层受奥灰水威胁,薄隔水层带压开采问题非常突出。
- The prospector panned out bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream. 探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。
- There's a bed of rock a few feet below the surface. 地壳以下几英尺的地方便是岩层。
- It is made of a bed of wool felting together. 它是由一层层毛毡螺旋缠绕粘接制作而成。