- Water is man" s indispensable material condition for existence. 水是人类生存所必需的物质条件。
- In this paper, an equivalent condition and several sufficient conditions for existence of group inverses of product of two matrices over skew fields are given. 给出了体上两个矩阵乘积的群逆的存在性的一个等价条件及若干充分条件.
- The market offer optimum condition for sale. 市场为销售提供了最佳条件。
- Ten countermeasures are porposed focusing on the importance of state macropolicy in creating better exterior conditions for existence and development of chemical mine enterprises. 指出:宏观政策调控要为化工矿山的生存发展创造一个宽松的环境.提供促进矿业内因变化的外部条件是关键所在。
- In this paper, the sufficient and necessary conditions for existence and uniqueness of fixed point for a class of mixed monotone operator are proved by using cone theory and introducing the concept of adjoint sequence. 引入了伴随列的概念;运用锥理论证明了一类混合单调算子存在不动点的充分必要条件.
- She has been out of condition for several weeks. 她身体不舒服已有几星期了。
- Air and warmth are necessary for existence. 空气与温暖是存活所需要的。
- In no condition for further delay. 刻不容缓的地步。
- MEETING PRESENT NEEDS to improve living conditions for existing slum populations will, in itself, be a daunting task. 满足当下的需要来提高现有贫民区居民的生活质量,这本身就是一个令人退缩的任务。
- He's in excellent condition for a man of his age. 他就其年龄而言; 身体极好.
- Those variants will be preserved in the "struggle for existence". 这些变异将在“生存竞争”中被保留下来。
- He is in excellent condition for a man of his age. 他就其年龄而言,身体极好。
- Text of search condition for a check constraint. 检查约束的搜索条件的文本。
- In the battle for existence, talent is the punch, and tact is the clever footwork. 在为生存在斗争场里,才能就是重拳,机智就是巧妙的步法。
- He has been out of condition for several weeks. 他身体不好已有几个星期了。
- Have he satisfy all the condition for parole? 他是否符合所有假释条件?
- It is an important condition for maintaining unity. 这是保持团结的一个重要条件。
- Such laws aided family farms in their struggle for existence. 这些法令对那些为生存而斗争的家庭农场来说是有帮助的。
- The above is an ideal condition for meditation. 上面是关于做冥想的理想条件。
- Most animals have to struggle for existence in a dangerous world. 大多数动物不得不在一个充满危险的世界里为生存而斗争。