- Developing from the "condictio" in Roman law, unjust enrichment is one of the basic institutions in private law, boasting a history of more than two thousand years. 不当得利制度从罗马法的返还之诉发展而来,历经二千余年的演变,是民法中的一项基本法律制度。
- Condictio ob turpem vel iniustam causam 基于不名誉或不正当行为的要求返还之诉
- condictio [法] 诉讼, 条件, 要件
- condictio ex lege [法] 法律上可给与补正的诉讼
- condictio indebitati [法] 要求返还错误给付的诉讼
- indebiti solutio 偿付不应偿付的款额
- solutio indebiti 无债务支付
- receptum indebiti 不当得利
- condictio rei furtivae 追索被盗财物的诉讼